DM: Meaning Regulator

Everything that happens to us or even that we witness usually gets assigned a meaning by us, mostly automatically and unconsciously. Then those meanings dictate much of our behavior and emotional state and mindset for most of our lives.

It happens with short interactions with strangers that last mere seconds throughout the day. It happens with long ago and long-term relationships we have had.

It happens when we are stuck in traffic when we find out we are in debt, or even when someone flirts with us. It happens with things that persist over many days: the shape of our body, the job we hold, the memories of the decisions we have made.

This field would not aim to control or dictate the meanings we attach to things. It would not replace our automatic meanings. Instead, it would pause the process slightly and spread out in our conscious mind several different meanings that each event or circumstance has. And then it would allow us to choose how much of each meaning to believe in or to attach to the memory.

It would help us to see just how much truth and reality each meaning might have. It would help us to see how each meaning could affect us. And based on these things we would decide just how much we want to buy into each meaning.

It would not push us towards “positive” meanings because sometimes a “positive” meaning can keep us in a hurtful situation. Like if we believe an abusive person loves us. Or maybe that a job we could do better than is just “great”.

But based on the likelihood of being true, combined with how beneficial or detrimental, we would experience this quick new process of attaching meanings. It would take a few seconds longer than normal at first. Possibly minutes with older deeper memories. Eventually, it would probably only take fractions of a second longer than the old process as it becomes second nature to us to see the multiple interpretations, take the ones we choose, and leave the rest behind.

Another way in which it would bring more wisdom into our ways of seeing things is that we could often step through that process and end up having 10% confidence in one meaning and 90% in another and maybe even at the same time 40-60 in another. Whereas the old way often had us go all-in on something that may or may not have been true or beneficial, here we could spread out our chips, and see better returns on our conceptual investments.

This could definitely get us out of some ruts in our emotional patterns where we keep seeing something one way while it may not even be true and maybe harming us. And it may be so ingrained that we can hardly entertain the possibility of it having some other meaning. Those neural pathways can be so hard set that we may not even see the other options if we try to. And if by will and effort we manage to, even then often we fall back in the old ways so easily.

Ultimately this would give the outer world and the past and even other people, less control over us. We would gain a much greater degree of self-direction, choice in our fates and destinies.


Wow. Just wow. I was literally just now pondering on this very issue. I know you hear that all the time but yeah you got me there. Syncronicitied again. Thank you.

I wonder if this one could be called “adaptive subjective mind”. Anyways. Using it now. Beautiful galaxy artwork.

first trial run with it out and about. Good. Very good.

Also noticed it seems to work like an “inner adaptive shield”. Putting a meaning on someone looking at you weird really quick that doesn’t bother you like “probably insecure…” instead of before I’d assign more disturbing meanings.

And it had a “dot-connector” element to it. Where I’d see how things that didn’t seem to make a lot of sense actually did make sense in tandem or in correlation. So you can see in my different examples it is doing what it says, bringing in meanings that are more accurate and helpful. Sometimes you can see it more on the helpful side and sometimes more on the accurate side. But in all cases, some of both at the same time.

Back at home. Things seem interesting again. I’m chronic bored (formerly?). Got to note these initial changes because these are the ones that start to seem normal quickly and we forget it’s a field.

Instantly resolved a “trauma” or something that had been bothering me way too much for the last few months. Just by looking at it different. Very good for empaths or anyone who tends to care too much about other people’s failure to “do unto others as they would have you do unto them”.


One more post and I’ll try to leave this thread alone. I don’t want to be the only one giving definition to new fields for new users. Don’t want to skew things. But here is a quote of myself from something I said in a PM

"Wear those with Meaning Regulator if you can get it. It’s freaking one of the best fields ever. I can tell even though I’ve only just started using it. It’s ridiculously helpful. Control over your own meanings. It’s like a shield and transmute all in one but better.

Makes it seem like you can read minds too. It’s crazy underrated. It deserves to have raving reviews like any sapien field would."

I just wanted to share that because, it’s honest, and sometimes it bothers me a little, seeing sapien getting so much praise for every new field he drops and then I see something like this that is just way too good and crickets in the thread. I say that as a solid fan of Sapien but also of Maitreya. Could just be my subjective outlook but she deserves more credit.

Peace out. May you discover this one for yourselves.


I enjoy reading your posts and I believe other new/old users can also gain tremendous benefits from your experiences with the fields. I know this answer is a bit late but please do not ever stop writing your reviews :D.

I also used a lot of fields from Sapien and recently switched to Maitreya Fields and Spiritual Zones. I can understand why Sapien has so much praise:

  • He has built a large base of his fans/users for over one decade- so more reviews,
  • His fields are very effective with physical body and health - in my experience, morphic fields (not just Sapien but also other creators) seem to work better with the physical body than energetic fields
  • Energetic fields work better for emotions, beliefs, thoughts, entities, spiritual … It takes longer to see the changes in these areas and it also requires the users to have a certain level of mindfulness/self-awareness/energy sensitivity/spiritual development to discern the improvements. You cannot know the change in your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs if you do not have a habit of observing them and know what thoughts, emotions, and beliefs you usually have. It is even harder to measure things regarding the spiritual and etheric world.
  • From my humble view, Maitreya has a lot of fields around one topic, which makes it harder to decide which one to use or we end up using too many at a time and cannot provide testimony for every single one. And if you use the Field Optimizer, you cannot know what fields your Higher Self decides to apply to you.
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That is very interesting point of view. Can you explain more?

I think that is a problem too and i was wondering if I should clear up the store from old fields. But they are still precious and they work fantastically with people, so its not very smart choice.

I was thinking to change the website platform, because many people don’t know what they need from so much choices. You are not the first one who says that.


I will give one example for you to understand my point of view. Recently I am working to remove the effects of negative/evil entities in my body and my life (not including thought forms or parasites or implantments or other forms of negative energy). From the search on youtube and forum, I can find:

  • Removing Negative Entities, Bad Spirits, Thought Forms
  • Remove entities from health
  • Remove entities from health
  • Remove entities and AI influence from relationships
  • Transmute entities to white lights
  • Saint Basil the Great Exorcism Prayers
  • Saint Cryprian’s Prayer Remove Black Magic
  • Release from Archonic Control
  • Divine protection from Negative Energy and Bad Entities

After reading the forum a bit, I found out that entities can be attached to a contract or a curse/spell or from your ancestor linage, so I should also add:

  • Soul contract revocation
  • Cord cutting
  • Etheric spells and curse clearing (+ there are also several other fields for curses)
  • Ancestor line clearing
  • Other fields I found with the description about removing negative entities

I do not know which field is better than another, or which one supersedes another. If I use only one or two fields, I would have the feeling that it is not comprehensive enough to cover all entities. Hence I would end up using a bunch of fields at a time or worse, I would drop working on that area because it seems too complicated. Psychologists call that phenomenon the paradox of choice or the agony of choice.

With all my respect, I appreciate your effort to create various fields using various approaches to eliminate our problems. I would humbly suggest that you incorporate your old fields into the new ones of the same topic if possible to reduce the number of choices users have to face. Regarding the old fields, you may keep them in store (so that people who need them can have access to). For a quick reference to Sapien (not a comparison, just from the business’s perspective), he has some key products that he updates every year or every few years (Subconscious Blockage Removal, Ascension, Eternal, Shield…) and people are still willing to buy the new upgraded versions even when they have already purchased the old ones because the new versions are the most effective/comprehensive in his products regarding that topic/area. And it is also easier to provide reviews if there are fewer fields to focus on.


When you work with energy one of the best way to get the best results is to follow your intuition. Yes, it can be disrupted by dark beings, sometimes, because they don’t want you to clear them, so they can create adverse reactions.
But, this is how you learn to trust yourself. By making choices.

If you would start to use all of them at the same time, they would create synergy. It’s like you have a whole team of energy workers dealing with the issue from every angle.
When you’re struggling with decision-making, write down your ideas on separate papers. Put them face down so you can’t see names. Close your eyes. Relax and imagine that you connect yourself with your Higher Self. Ask your HS to help you to decide. Pick the one you feel the most drawn to, then read the description of the field.

When you are under the influence of dark beings, then go with the one that pushes you away the most. Usually, you might feel sick when you think about a specific field. This is the one they don’t like. And this is exactly what they should taste it.