Hello dear and valuable colleagues, I am looking for an audio that helps me surround myself with good people, that relate to my interests and tastes and that also keep bad people away or that are not in my tune. something like being magnetic of the best friends and partners with whom you always dreamed and retaining those who do not contribute anything to my life. thank you very much and all advice is well received.
We are working on a pendant for this. If you want, you can wait for it.
I think this will be released in 2-3 weeks.
A pendant version of “become the best version of you”?
Yup, there is new and boosted version for the pendant.
The pendants have another way of new programming which doesn’t affect the just the user’s aura, but directly taps on an atomic level, the three main centers in the human body and also subconsciousness. This update will be also made on all new fields for youtube - audios and digital mandalas from the store.
Hey @Maitreya any other new pendants coming along with this one? Please consider making one for physical changes too
Yes, there will be more.
YES! I will definitely save up for this!
Woah, nice.
How about old gumroad/store releases,
will they be updated too??