As i see that some people want some of the youtube audios to be transferred to mandala - decided to create a topic about this. You can let me know which audios you want to mandalas and we will create them as soon as possible.
warrior skull
Or mandala to audio ?
White light transmutation from geralttt in a loopable 24/7 audio form bypassing any resistance , targeted to ALL forms of entities/parasites/spirits etc.
Audio to mandala ;
-Greek god beauty
Removing alien implants
universal clearing
- Attraction Magnetic Sexual Bundle (FOR HIM).
- Attract Women Instantly
Confident Sex Appeal and
Magnetism. - Become the Best Version of Yourself.
- Mike Tyson Aura.
More mandalas or sigil to create SERVITORS.
I think the universe made it its purpose to sabotage you with women bro
Give up
A MIRACLE can still happen…
If we put an audio inside a flash drive with the emitter, it’s like a mandala anyways no ?
Deep Sleep + Healing Chamber = Deep Healing Chamber mandala
Body scanner
Bad virus and bacteria infections
I think so but I think DMs are still more powerful. From experience anyways, it feels and seems that way. Different levels of intensity I get with things. But I can tell the audios work from the thumb drive.
Male Face & Body Golden Ratio
Dental Healing + Teeth Whitening Frequency +
- Take Back ALL of your Power title
2)Blue eyes - Pale: Skin whitening/Lightening
- Suggestion: Auric Field of Love/Aura of Love (all around you. it nourish’s and heals you and those around you can have a spontaneous healing or sorts too, depending)
- Aura of Money/Abundance/Luxury ( an auric field that attracts money/prosperity/abundance-draws it to you, attracts oppurtunites, people pay you for being you and being in thier presence- ok so that one’s a bit unusual,but some people pay others jus to have other’s to talk to,coz they’re lonely!)
- Aura of Miracles!
The attraction audios, of course
Would be a day one purchase for many, especially if they are upgraded.