Attract Best Job - Future Self Timeline

This audio is programmed to find the best job for you. Itwill bring in your life thetimeline that corresponds toyour conscious and unconscious talents and desires. Field will help you to findthe job that will make you absolutely happy and connected to your divine timingand soul mission. People who already have jobs can listen to it also. Field will make a connection with your future self that is aligned with his divine purpose and heart desires. There is also a boost of courage and motivation for acting and clearing limited beliefs from subconsciousness mind + reducing fears that stops and sabotage you to go with full speed on your divine path.


I’m hoping this can work for internships!


It will lead you where you have to be if it’s related with job. :slight_smile:


guess this goes well with your timeline mandala and revision? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been stressing about this for a while I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart <3


Will this work in the same way as Best path in life of Sapien or Road Opener from PI? Anw, congrats Maitey team for a great fields!


Essentially yes


I just rejected a job offer where I was in.
Maybe that wasn’t for me.
I’ll listened to this because I don’t like my current job at all.


and if one wishes to have a job contrary to what the soul wants or contrary to the soul’s mission?!.


Hello Maitreya. Thanks for your great tracks. Is there any risk that this can cause you to lose a current job and force you into the path you’re meant to be on ?
Can it put things into motion for eventual happiness by causing some initial setbacks ?
I guess like saying - you have to break eggs to make an omelette.
OR is it that there will be no negative impact - only positive so you can end up where you are meant to be without much pain ?


yeah i wanna know this also. What if i want something like money and do the job that bring the most money, but my soul mission is not about money and it is about how can i help people at most. Can this field match those 2 goals or it will choose soul mission goal and make us satisfy with that? And this field as i understand will only make lesson come faster but can’t change it right?
Sorry for my poor English!


And as i know, BPIL of Sapien is about the best path no matter what you want, and Glory of Sapien is about success with the best thing you want. So this will be the same with BPIL or Glory or it match both criterias?


@Maitreya , the visuals in this video are really beautiful and awesome … you get the upper hand over on @Maitreya .
Thank you for this field which will also allow us to fight against the pandemic at the level of the economic crisis generated by covid-19.

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It’s possible to lose the job you are now on it. But even without this audio, people who raise their vibrations at some moment reach this thing to change their job or to change the people around them. If you think for it, it’s a little scarry, but believe me - it’s not. Opportunities get quicker especially when they are aligned with your divine path and soul mission. When you step on your divine path, everything becomes miracle.

For the money… Money are result of happiness, serving and pure intention + lack of fear. When you find the job that is for you and you feel this little tickling around your heart and enthusiasm… all fear is gone.


Hello Maitreya. Can this field help me find the meaning of life? I mean - i don’t know what to do with my life, i feel like i’m stuck, i’m not developing myself. Thank you.


@Maitreya what if I want to become entrepreneur and open my own business, will it help me with that?

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Do you think if you just have some fear and doubts then it’s not the right job?
In the offer I had, I first accepted, then rejected.
I was like 50% of each options.

This is just for job.
You should aim for spiritual audios to find the purpose of your life.

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i bought the advanced file
should i listen only once a day? or is 2 times in one session okay?

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Will this work for business too? I mean If my future is about a leader of a business, will it work? @Maitreya

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