Do you think someone can get reverse results from any mandala, I purchased weight loss mandala 3 days ago and started using it and i gained 2kg weight without increasing thd calories intake or any changes in food.
please someone help me.
I’ve found that if people sometimes get reverse results from tools such as subliminals, morphic fields or energetically programmed audios/mandalas, it could mean that you have subconscious blocks from trauma keeping you safe. Your subconscious mind can be convinced that keeping you overweight will keep you safe from any future physical, emotional, or mental attacks and when you try to lose weight your subconscious will see this as a threat to your survival and pile on more weight to keep you safe.
I highly recommend to use trauma clearing and healing tools. Maitreya has a great audio and mandala that does exactly that.
I recommend using the Field Integration Primer found here:
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