Hi everyone, I’m new here don’t really know if this was discussed before and i can’t find much info or a better explanation for this DM or how to specifically activate it, i live with a narcissistic kinda mentality ill mother and she have been a living hell to tolerate and deal with our whole existence, I’ve came to the realization after over two decades of living with her that some people are just a lost cause and you just gotta worry about your mental and physical health living around them, my question is considering that she is kinda abusive and i don’t really wanna have to put my hands on her nor is my siblings trying to do that either, can i use the GTFO DM to scare her away, not away from the house just from me because I’m this close this clooose
if she ever try to put her hands on me again thinking that’ll still work with me at my grown age, living with her taught me that some people just won’t change, so I’d appreciate any more info and or other suggestions if you know any that would be useful for someone living with a narcissist.
Hello, I’m sorry that you’re going through such a difficult situation. I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re not an adult, you can seek help from the state, where you’ll be cared for and given housing where you can be safe.
The mandala works automatically, but it must be carried within you—for example, in your pocket. Much depends on how a person reacts to fear; some people become somewhat aggressive, so extra caution might be necessary, especially when living together. You could try it for a day and observe how the other person reacts.
You can also print out a mandala for entity removal at home.
Thank you, i don’t know how i would’ve hold up until now if it weren’t for your fields, may you always be blessed and surrounded by people with a kind heart like yours, the world is a better place because of such beautiful souls, makes it a little less bad, have a blessed day .
I’m an adult, 23F i don’t have a problem with physical conflict since i practice self defense as an outlet for my stress and anger issues, but it pains me to think at some point this might be the only solution with her, I’m not American, and can’t afford to move out yet, but I’m going to give it a try and see how she respond to it then decide if im gonna keep using it, i don’t wanna make it worse for my siblings, will be trying the entity removal too, one more question, can i use it as a wallpaper on my phone to ensure that i have it on me at all times? thanks again for your kind suggestion.
Yes, you can use it as your wallpaper. Make sure you resize the image because when it is stretched out, it won’t be active.
I would also recommend this field DM: Vibration Riser it has a huge 15m radius. As long as you carry this with you, it also gradually raises vibration for everyone else. I really wish you all the strength and inner peace, and I hope you won’t need to use GTFO at all.
We are here if you need to vent, let things out or simply need support.
I got no words to explain my gratitude, you guys really restored my faith in humanity, i tried the GTFO DM yesterday i made a wallpaper and added the DM in the middle of the wallpaper whole with no edits to the ratio i just made it smaller and used it as my home screen this is it if any one wants it
she didn’t come in contact with me all night yesterday and all morning today, I’ll observe her behavior a little more today to make a final decision, and certainly I’ll take everything thing you guys shared in consideration and most definitely will be trying and using all of the suggestions, thank you so much from the depth of my heart for everything
Great resizing. This is how it should look as a wallpaper. You can add more mandalas to have them all active at the same time as long as they are next to each other.
Maybe it will be just enough for you to feel protected, and this will repel. Narcissists step back when you become stronger. They’re not strong at all. The more you build your inner power, the better. Focus on yourself. You take your power and energy back.
Thank you will be doing that for sure, i hope me and others find our way to better environments, funny how you mentioned taking your power back i was just thinking about using this one lol
So you don’t need to activate the GTFO DM each time ? This DM is on autopilot ? I’m confused
For example, you walk down the street and someone is grabbing you from behind. When you’re suddenly in danger, you probably won’t think about this field to activate it, but GTFO might detect a violation of your free will and protect you.
When you are in a conflict with someone. For example, you have an abusive partner, you know they hurt you in the past, and now they start to be aggressive toward you again. You can activate this field by yourself when they cross the line. In this case, no one attacked you from behind, so you can make this decision based on your own discernment.