I’m not an expert of NFT, but I think that if they are limited editions and could help everyone, it’s frustrating for who can’t buy them at this moment. The reseller will increase for sure the price and it will be impossible for real to buy it.
It becomes a run to purify all the ancestors and everyone would to be free, not only 40 persons in the world.
I think it was better make it like a DM, always available on the store for everyone (at the same price, not lower) or like a classic jewel.
On the contrary, if you want a cool power up to increase your standard of living and have more fun, it’s right to have the monopoly ( like, for example, invisibility cloack of Sapien).
I hope my comment would be considered for the future.
(My opinion will not change even if, in absurd hypothesis, and I love to reasoning like this, I’ll be an ultra billionaire and I could buy the whole world.)