If you’ve been facing major, persistent problems in a certain area of your life—problems that either never go away or seem to get worse whenever you try to fix them—there’s a chance your ancestors opened “portals” that allow certain entities easy access to you. These entities can influence that specific area of your life and even your entire lineage, changing your reality and exerting control. This might show up as lifelong health issues from birth, toxic or manipulative partners, sudden financial downturns after moments of growth, childlessness, or a generally “shrinking” world that feels devoid of real opportunities. You may sense you’re living in a false reality, like a character in a game, while your true self remains outside, limited by the constraints of this scenario.
Healers and spiritually inclined individuals who try to develop their gifts could also experience problems—entities might block their abilities or force some form of payment, especially if power had once been obtained this way within the family.
This new energetically programmed field is designed to close those ancestral portals, preventing these entities from accessing you or your reality any longer. They’ll no longer be able to manipulate you, your resources, or your life path. An energetic transmission will be sent to your entire family line, accompanied by a charged field that helps seal these portals.
Through this process, your lineage will reconnect with the true God, restoring that bond so you can receive and manifest directly through divine support, rather than relying on lower-level entities. The portals that were opened by past generations will close, halting their influence on your life. Wherever your reality was altered with permission for these entities, that permission will now be revoked, and you’ll regain your sovereignty and personal power.