DM: Close Portals

If you’ve been facing major, persistent problems in a certain area of your life—problems that either never go away or seem to get worse whenever you try to fix them—there’s a chance your ancestors opened “portals” that allow certain entities easy access to you. These entities can influence that specific area of your life and even your entire lineage, changing your reality and exerting control. This might show up as lifelong health issues from birth, toxic or manipulative partners, sudden financial downturns after moments of growth, childlessness, or a generally “shrinking” world that feels devoid of real opportunities. You may sense you’re living in a false reality, like a character in a game, while your true self remains outside, limited by the constraints of this scenario.

Healers and spiritually inclined individuals who try to develop their gifts could also experience problems—entities might block their abilities or force some form of payment, especially if power had once been obtained this way within the family.

This new energetically programmed field is designed to close those ancestral portals, preventing these entities from accessing you or your reality any longer. They’ll no longer be able to manipulate you, your resources, or your life path. An energetic transmission will be sent to your entire family line, accompanied by a charged field that helps seal these portals.

Through this process, your lineage will reconnect with the true God, restoring that bond so you can receive and manifest directly through divine support, rather than relying on lower-level entities. The portals that were opened by past generations will close, halting their influence on your life. Wherever your reality was altered with permission for these entities, that permission will now be revoked, and you’ll regain your sovereignty and personal power.


Two significant things happened yesterday. I added this field and planned to work with audio and mandala. My ex called me. The conversation that I was afraid of. Field was working in the background while I had to say ‘no’ in a firm but polite way.
I went to shop, and I noticed that I felt weirdly light and happy. One of my family members started to use this field at the same time. She experienced a sudden pause in everything and started to feel good.

I managed to find time for meditation. I played audio, and it blew my mind off. I’ve been practising ‘no thoughts meditation’ since September. Not every day, but fairly regularly. Never longer than a few minutes, then I fell asleep. Yesterday, I did an hour! It was so easy to clear my mind like never before. My mind is usually ADHD style, full of ideas, overloaded, never slow down, and always active work.
What a difference!
Another major change that happened after that and is strongly related to this field is that I discovered I could harness a new type of energy that was not accessible to me. I didn’t even know it existed!
My night was full of crazy dreams. My cat woke me up 3 times because I was vibrating and floating energetically.
I got a few warnings during the night, so I am pretty sure my guides can communicate with me on a deeper level.

Funny I had dream that I caught a ‘neighbour’ wanting to enter my flat. It turned out he had the key to my apartment from the previous owner. I told him to f… off, made a scene, and talked the next morning with a security guy, I told him that I would call the landlord to change the lock and told him that I wanted new keys. I ended up opening a case at the Police Station and fell in love with a police officer.

I woke up irritated and angry, but I knew it was releasing. I am angry because they were siphoning my family’s energy and gifts. I will work in this field, especially today. The end of the year is the perfect time for closures, endings and leaving the past behind.

@Maitreya, you’re a genius!!!


I thought you were already using the angel calling subscription, which includes closing portals. Does this close portals that are not included in the angel calling subscription?

Hahah, I love it. :smiley:

The angelic field is your personal protection, and they close portals that are in your surroundings. Wherever you go, they will close portals that could allow beings to come closer to you so it’s more environmental protection.

DM Close Portals works on an ancestral level, and this is not an angelic intervention but the precise field that goes through time and space and helps your whole family. I’ve discovered that one side of my family was involved in satanic cults and also a few black magicians.

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Does the Ancestral Line Clearing DM also deal with these portals?

Ancestral Line Clearing has a different approach. It works on curses, hexes and contracts. It can eventually revoke access. I would combine both if you feel like your family has a doggy past because it would work on two different levels at the same time. I didn’t know about portals that much, so I’m learning from this field and trying to understand this concept.

What happpens with current portals not past ones, maybe ones opened by certain frequencies or fields or whatever reasons (maybe we are not even aware and did not open those consciously.

Also what happens with collective portals?

They will be closed. There are no useful portals because all kinds of astral nastiness pass through them.

What do you mean?

I got this today, saw results a few hours after adding it. For a couple months I’ve been having shortness of breath, went to doctors and everything is fine, turns out it was anxiety related. So, a few hours later after having this mandala, the shortness of breath is gone, so is that anxiety. Maybe there was an entity from a certain portal causing this?

I’d definitely love to have more information on these portals and how they work.

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Portals work exactly as we’ve seen them in movies—you enter from one dimension into another. For example, entities and demons from the 4th and 5th dimensions could enter our 3rd dimension.

If you’re familiar with or have watched movies about pyramids, there are chambers that actually have no entrances but are surrounded by walls on all sides. The beings that have passed through have the ability to traverse dimensions and see through them.

In many places, portals exist in space, opened by someone… Those opened by our ancestors are more dangerous and harder to close. In the mandala, there are programs designed to instill our ancestors with a state of truth and many beliefs that provide them with all the knowledge necessary to abandon their intentions and close all portals. Once closed, they do not reopen unless a person willingly or unwillingly opens them again.

I will share a recent innocent example of opening a portal and interacting with an entity. A friend called me at night to say she was experiencing severe shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, and literally two hours before, she had gone to sleep with nothing wrong.

What I saw was that an entity had sat on her chest.

During the day, we were together and talked about a “joke,” which turned out it might not have been—like when we were little children and our parents threatened us with Talasimi, saying that the Talasumi would abduct us if we didn’t do what they said. We talked about it and laughed, and suddenly that evening the entity was there. I expelled it, and she instantly felt 100% better. I saw that a portal had opened for her, and then I decided to create this mandala.

So, if we direct our thoughts toward purer beings and dimensions, think of good, angels, the love of God—we open a channel for that. If we think of others, we open a channel to connect with them.

If you have something specific you’re interested in regarding portals—ask, it could become an interesting topic. :slight_smile:

I’m glad that you’re well now.

Lately, I am thinking that about 90% of the problems people have are caused by entities, astral parasites, demons—in any sphere. If something is wrong with us, some discomfort or problem—we first need to eliminate the entities and then determine if there is a need for anything else.


Same here, especially when the doctor finds nothing wrong with you and gives you the all clear. Like last month I was having these energetic chest pains, of course I went to the hospital to get checked out and the tests showed that everything was fine, they suggested it was anxiety related or psychosomatic.

The next day I find a video on youtube about energetic chest pains and how it can be caused by stuck trauma. So I got the Trauma clearing and soul fragment retrieval DM’s, and it started to disappear that same day.

I had never really considered entities being an issue with me, I’ve never really noticed anything significant with entities in particular. Then I remember that my family (and possibly my entire lineage) was involved with some sketchy cult stuff. I was never into it, but could have been a bloodline thing. I’ve never seen entities either, but as an empath I’ve felt some weird (possibly negative) unseen energies around, but also it could have been from the people I was around at the time.

Anyways, I’m using this Close Portals DM with the Guardian Angel Calling and Protection DM, they seem to complement each other well. The Close Portal DM feels like it’s already done a lot in just one day. How long on average would it take to close and seal these portals permanently?

Carry it with you 1-2 months.

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Got it, thanks! :blush:

Since taking the names, can cause beings to appear, how do we know that the beings we are calling for are not demons? words and names can be mispronounced and we might unknowingly call upon a being.

The crazy dreams are real with this one. Last night I dreamt that I was being chased by Jason from the Friday the 13th movies, but he was only walking and it was easy to avoid him. After a while it stopped being scary and started being annoying. At this point I was doing grocery shopping at a store, still able to easily evade him. I woke up thinking it was hilarious. It has been about 24 hours of using the mandala.

Before that, I had slept for a couple hours and woke up with these red markings (maybe scratch marks?) on my chest, it was tender and had a little pain. It’s gone now, but I wonder if some of these entities are resisting being closed off from their portals?

If it happens accidentally, perhaps nothing will come of it, but if it is talked about and attention is directed toward it, those beings might take advantage of it as if they have received an invitation.

My guides explained that my first dream about a neighbour trying to enter my flat had a deeper meaning. So observe yours it might give you direction.

In that dream my neighbour had keys from previous owners - my ancestors.
The security guy I spoke to, told me, “We knew about this guy for the whole time, but we couldn’t do anything about it because he had keys” - I use plenty of protection. I’ve been clearing demons from my ancestral line for two years now, and yet shit was happening, and I couldn’t figure why. Doors were open. They kept coming back. My family is dark and heavy, so they match the dark frequency.

The police officer I fell in love with is someone I know in person (not real police, but I always text him when things are bad), and I noticed that since portals are closed, our connection is getting better. We fought for this connection before, and we always failed. Not just in this lifetime but always.

I worked with this field extremely 31st Dec till 1st Jan because the energy of closure and a new beginning was super strong and easy to harness. All my family members are confused, lol. The vibration of the whole lineage changed, and I no longer feel that I am the only one to save the family from darkness. I was in the front line with the help of my mum and my sister, using fields on autopilot, so I used that during meditation. We all got knocked down, lol, but it is better to sleep for a few days because the vibration is higher, and your body needs to adapt rather than get exhausted from fighting and clearing.

I feel that my family with time will no longer be a match for demons. Because your lineage needs to have enough low vibe to let them stay. That’s why so many lightworkers were put in dark families. You can shine as bright as you can, but it can be hard for one person to hold that light if all of your family members want to swim in guilt, shame, anger, and jealousy.

So, this field brings more benefits than you would have expected :smiley: I’m tired and sleepy, but I’ve never felt so optimistic before. The ancestral clearing is no longer a never-ending story concept.