OK… So ive just posted a new topic about the fact that things work for me INSTANTLY… and then stop working… its a major problem…
so im considering buying this mandala…
Can anyone suggest some ways to reprogramme this state of mind??
i think my beliefs are that im going to lose things if im happy, or that good things cant last…
do we have to get right to the core belief for it to work??
There might be deeper and more significant beliefs —ones that come from your family system. These beliefs can affect your level of permission—what you allow yourself to have or experience.
For example, I wanted to do things with ease. But when I tried affirmations like “I do this with ease and joy,” they didn’t work. It felt like something was pushing back.
Then, I decided to step into a new state—“ease in work.” I started feeling it, embodying it. And suddenly, beliefs popped up. I realized that my grandparents had to work really hard to earn money. There was a belief in my family that making money couldn’t be easy. On a deeper level, I felt I couldn’t allow myself to earn easily because that would mean betraying my grandparents / ancestors. “How can I make money effortlessly when they struggled so much?”
Try stepping into a new state in any area of your life and stay in it for a while. Notice what thoughts and emotions come up. Then, move to a place of permission—tell yourself, “It’s okay,” “I’m allowed to do this,” “I can think this way.” Create and adopt these new beliefs.
You might also have an unconscious block against happiness. Maybe, in your family’s past, people were happy but then lost everything. Over time, this could have created a belief that happiness leads to loss. The energy of those past painful experiences might still be affecting you.
To release this, you need to acknowledge it first. Accept that these things happened (or could have happened). This recognition frees the emotional charge. You can say something like:
“I acknowledge and accept all my ancestors and past lives where people were happy but lost everything. I make space for this.”
“I also acknowledge and accept those who made others unhappy by taking from them. I make space for this too.”
But first, spend a few days simply experiencing the new state— the happiness of owning something. Old limiting beliefs will surface. Just observe them.
So in regards to this field… i could BE/DO a personality type, say SUPER RELAXED (as im far from it) and whatever beliefs come up, feelings, etc. i can use them to reprogram me the mind?
I think what goes hand in hand with what you’re suggesting is asling the heart what is the route cause belief and seeing what images, feeling’s, thoughts or memories come up. Do you agree?
Yes, anything that comes to the surface can be reprogrammed.
But if it comes up, that means you’re already becoming aware of it—and once you’re aware of something, it starts losing its power on its own.
Through Reprogrammer, you can add something more positive and beneficial.
If we’re talking about relaxation, mental tension never exists without physical tension.
You must influence your body physically—through manual practices like massage, spa treatments, and similar things.
If you’ve been tense for a long time, your body is probably very stiff. Ideally, you should take a full massage course and find someone who can do myofascial release.
Tension is something I know a lot about, so these recommendations come from personal experience.