always going in the same direction as the message linked above, there are some subliminals which could be particularly powerful (I put you some links below). I can use it with custom formulas like:
I command and I order, to delete from my consciousness and my subconscious, on all the levels of my being, on all the planes of my person, as well as on all my bodies, THE BELIEFS AND SYSTEMS OF BELIEFS RELATING TO THE FOLLOWING AFFIRMATIONS:
******* (say the affirmations) *******
NOW, I am ordering and ordering, to install and download into my consciousness and my subconscious, on all levels of my being, on all planes of my person, as well as on all of my bodies, BELIEFS AND SYSTEMS OF BELIEFS ABOUT AUDIOS I LISTEN TO NOW (or THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS):
******** (play / listen to audios) ******* /
******* (say the affirmations) *******
I have combined the subliminals (before and or during) Matreya’s subliminal to energy field converter.
Blockage Removal:
Extra Strength Concordia Booster :
Omnidimensional Aura Cleanse :
Absolute Health :
Meta Luck :
Acceleration of Manifestation :
Trigger Manifestations :
Conscious Control of Subconscious :
Optimal Reality Extra Strength :
…in short, there are several that can be used. I used the audios mentioned below with the subconscious reprogrammer (and the method explained now), I was able to feel quite a strong energy around my head and a strong energy in my legs. I yawned several times while shedding tears from my right eye only (celestial light eye clein in naruto…haha). The more I continued the process, the more these effects were accentuated, I even felt pain on the body and some discomfort.
if you do, I’m sure you’ll be able to take care of yourself (you can try it over several hours with breaks, or over several days, it’s up to you). It would be preferable that we do not discuss the details of the (subliminal) audios linked below in this discussion (because it is off topic), it is possible to speak in more detail of these sublimonals in the reserved discussion queue. for the other chains (or then, directly on the chains / patreon of these other manufacturers).
Finally, a very big and huge thank you to maitreya for these fifth dimensional tools. We can definitely call the subconscious reprogramming field the New SUBLIMINAL BATTERY EATER.