New Release: DNA REPAIR + Telomere Extension

Can anyone please share their experience with using this video for a long period of time? I used it in a storage item overnight and felt extremely relaxing (till the point that I did not want to get out of bed, lol). But are there any long-term effects, like youthful skin, more energy…?


How many months should it be used for full results? @Maitreya

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I would treasure this one in Mandala form…especially the Telemere’s extention ,glory hallelijah on that becoming a relaity. DNA repair and telemeres extention , wow Fantastic.

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Yes indeed we do have 36. I"d Love to see this program, Blue eyes and Pale Skin in Mandala format. It’be soooo nice to have those in that option as well. this one sounds powerful.

Can a command be used to cure a specific desired gene?

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Excellent question man!! Excellent question indeed!!

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Out of curiosity, would this interfere with the DEC2 gene audio?

No, this is not from “the smart fields”. It makes only what has been programmed to.

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Is there a specific date from where fields got “smart” or just a certain fields

No specific date. Most physical fields are static because I don’t want people to give some intention that can cause them harm. Fields with emotional and energetical changes are more flexible.


DNA REPAIR + Telomere Extension ANY chance of this becoming a Digital Mandala, too? Love to see this ,have this in that format, Maitreya !! I Love Mitochondria Perfection, just got it. This would be a grat combo to use together, DNA Repair + Telemere extension and Mitochondria Perfection !!!


Great idea. Can make an updated version as DM.


yea!! Yea!! Yea!! Happy Dance. I Love Love mitochondria perfection it ‘feels’ sooo darn good. DNA Repair and Telomere Extension, yes yes yeppers:-)

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