New Release: DNA REPAIR + Telomere Extension

Yes, since I don’t feel the energies as I would like, I use a pendulum to determine whether listening to an audio is helpful for me. And then I check that again and again. And at some point I got everything that is possible for me with the field at this moment. Then it flies out of my playlist. Though hearing it again a few weeks later can be helpful. I decide all of that with the pendulum.

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can you explain the pendulum method please? seems very efficient

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This is fantastic! I have been using a pendulum and practise with it everyday since October. I have not found anything online of people using it for selecting audios so I’ve been trying to work this out. I would love if you could go through your process so that I have something to compare it to, some helpful tips, as I feel that I’m sometimes over complicating it or not using is correctly for the purpose of selecting audios. :pray::pray::pray::pray:

@jamesvanderbeak and @aphro04 aphro Well that’s actually pretty easy. Quite a few objects are suitable as pendulums. In principle, you only need a thread with a weight hanging on it. Hold the thread between your thumb and forefinger. When the pendulum hangs completely still, you can ask a question that can be answered with no, yes and maybe. First you ask the pendulum what is your sign if the answer is yes! After a moment the pendulum will respond, it can be a circle, a horizontal movement or a vertical movement. This is how you define the answer possibilities. The reactions vary from person to person. For me, a yes is a left-turning circle. No with a right turn. Ah yes, always take the pendulum with the same hand. When I swing with the other hand, the directions of the circle are reversed. You have to see whether it is the same with you or not.
And it should be noted right away that the pendulum is moved by the body but not consciously but by the subconscious.
Well, how I choose my audios is also very easy. If I am interested in an audio I hear it and then just ask the pendulum: is it helpful for me to hear this audio? And the pendulum gives me the answer. The stronger the swing of the pendulum, the more helpful it is to me. This also works for audios where I only have the description and the title. Over time, when you’ve heard the audio several times, I ask again if it’s still helpful for me. If it has already had an effect, the swing of the pendulum becomes weaker until it stops moving or shows a no. Then it’s time to get out of the playlist. It may help again a few months later and start hearing it again for a few days.
This is how I do it when I’m at NEW AGE trade fairs to decide whether an item would be of use to me. I hope that could help you a bit.


That helps tremendously, thanks a bunch!


Thank you so much for that in depth response! Do you think a pendulum could decipher between two audios ( say from two different makers, whether that be subliminals or fields) which one works better for you? And if so how would I go about asking? Should I have both audios playing simultaneously? Or is that complicating the process?

“One is always happy to be of service”. A line from one of my favorite films. Bicentennial Man. Which I have internalized as my favorite motto.
But now to your question. It’s actually very simple, you can determine from the strength of the pendulum swing which subliminal or field you have the most benefit from. Something can help you but the swing is weak so the benefit is there but only minor for you. I already had results because if the pendulum had flown through the whole room I would have let it go.
Another variant would be you write the name of the audio on a piece of paper and the same for the other title. So that you have a piece of paper on the left, the other on the right with a little space in between. Then you hold the pendulum in between but a little further forward than the notes. And ask the pendulum: “Which of these two fields is the most helpful for me?” The pendulum will then swing in either direction.
It’s always good to keep the questions fairly simple. And commuting the lottery numbers straight away doesn’t work. :wink:


Perfect answers! That’s exactly what I needed. I tend to over complicate things sometimes and stress myself out.
Thank you so much for your help! I have literally been trying to find someone to answer this for months! :pray::pray::pray:

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Better take rest. The rest and integration is important as to listen fields. Your body needs time and rest so you can notice the effects better.


Thank you for this valuable information :blush:. In a few days I will be going to buy a pendulum in a shop. a week ago I had done a test, the one that had good waves during the test was made of amethyst.

If that can help me with the audios :grin:. I wish it used for other uses as well.

There is one question that occupies my mind a lot. It is in relation to a story of twin flame.

I hope this can give me a definitive answer :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello. You mean this audiocan clean negative memory from our ancestors that stored in our DNA, from that it change our karma?

That’s right.


This affect eye changing result or other frecuency,subliminal,energy field or morphic s results ?


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I’ve just found this website and curious about this dna activation. Can anyone please tell me that the information in this website is correct or not and does this audio can do the wholething in that articles lol.

I just saw yesterday that we have 36 strands of dna. It’s pretty interesting.

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This is strange, because then we only talk about activating 12?

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It is strange. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this.


Can this work against Pfizer?