Medium in this forum

He has the standar version in Patreon.

Last week I read on yt this comment from sz, maybe that’s what you feel.



Wish there were more mandalas tho.


Is PI still around? I stopped subbing for his patreon as there were no updates. Have too many already lol Sapien, Maitreya, Mor phic Doctor, Freedom and Morpheus.

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This is interesting

Yeah he still around.

Do you feel something pushing against your chest?

Eyes turned black? Like demon possession black?

Theres some annoying beings around all of a sudden.

They also possess babies lol

Black eyes and they crawl faster and are stronger

Also I feel like some people get a mark for death.

A dark aura surrounds them.

Or maybe I officially lost it mentally, probably that lol

Be spiritual they said…

We definitely need that Smilodon servitor lol @Maitreya

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I didn’t notice any clear signs of posession, nothing but a dream where I vomited hair, according to the meaning of dreams this means magic or posession, I’ve been tired from using too many fields in the past, but never weak to that point, something really seems strange, I’ve only been using audios from trusted creators lately like sapiens maitreya or PI.

My energy level is so low that I’m having reflux, I seem to lack energy to digest food.

Have you tried the Eviction card from sapien?

Best advice given thus far. Do this first.

I don’t have the money to pay for an expert right now.

Send me a PM.

I haven’t used any fields for two days and now I’m using the review, I feel better and have more energy, I think this is the way to not have more headaches, not to use any more fields, frankly, it’s enough for me, I don’t I know how it’s possible for you guys on this forum to use so many fields and mandalas and nothing happens, but that’s not the case for me. I’m tired of looking for solutions and more solutions, fields to plug holes in more fields, like having more energy, and nothing works, the truth is that pretty much everything becomes overwhelming in a storage item, even audios that don’t involve physical changes are overwhelming , in fact they look even worse, the gate of abundance is extremely oppressive in a storage field, it’s exhausting and exhausting for the body and mind every time I use that field in a storage item, and frankly, it’s so impossible for me to having to check every field all the time to see if it tires me or not, it’s just a headache, I tried to listen to a bit of a short playlist of sapiens I have and already started to feel bad again, it’s so hard to look for solutions that never come, that’s the end for me.


@DarkMatter Try energy block removal from dream seeds and chakra audios
Whatever condition you may have is related to a specific chakra. Try balancing them and see how it goes. Most people suffers and sucks most of the time cuz they never focous on chakras. Working on them is more important than listening to any kind of field or whatever. It’s like having all the money and luxury but having no oxygen to breathe. No one can be happy in life if their chakras are not period. So I think it may be some chakra related issue. But don’t expect overnight changes tho it may take a while. And whatever issue you may have physical, mental or spiritual it’s always connected to chakra and energy body. Everything manifests in those first then they slowly manifests into physical body. You might be suffering from some serious imbalance due to some reason

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He is on patreon, and has uploaded a lot of new things. but hasn’t yet uploaded to YouTube. He just uploaded alpha male and alpha female audios last night. But he told me that uploading to YouTube takes a lot of energy, which is why he hasn’t done it yet.


Maybe you should try to listen only to the healing chamber for a while.

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Healing Chamber is a gem which shouldn’t be ignored!

May be below can help you

  1. Super saiyan 2x morning, 2xafternoon, 2xevening patreon version will do (since it having strength to that of Gumroad version as far i remember).

  2. Energy increser +3 treasures 20 mins morning + 20 mins evening

Above two shall really help you with your energy levels.

  1. 7chakras healing, balancing 2x morning + 2x evening

  2. Healing Chamber : try Looping it whole night for 7 consecutive days.

Let us know how it goes with you!

We will try sending love to you using the “send love” audio.

Also will request you to send your actual details over the email to Maitreya team, so that they include your details in Friday’s sessions.

We pray for your speedy recovery from your conditions!

All the best!


I spent the last few months removing energy blockages with the help of my higher self, several hours a day, at first the results were really amazing, but then it seems like everything normalized, it really improved my results, but I’m still overloaded no matter whatever I try, in the end everything seems to be back to normal, I’ve tried practically all the audios by Maitreya sapiens and other creators, I’ve explored the entire channel, I have the mandala of the 3 treasures and limit braker, and they don’t resolve my overload and oppression with fields, all kinds of fields and audios anyone might suggest, rest assured I’ve used most of them. I spent years of my life, risking everything for the audios, hoping they would help me improve my life, and I only had problems and more difficulties, and the expected results never showed, the only thing that is helping is to stop listening to the audios, I’m sorry, but I won’t accept suggestions involving the use of fields, in fact, I don’t think there’s anything else to discuss, I’ve already found the solution to my problems, abandoning the fields altogether, few benefits for the amount of problems that it causes.

Yes, I plan to use this as a full reset.