May you share what you ask to change through subconscious reprogramming?

I put this list together a couple weeks ago. Take from it what you need and apply it to your work. I use another tool called the Intention Repeater to play this list in a WAV file.

“My Power Affirmations and statements of intent work whether I believe in them or not.”
“My Power Affirmations and statements of intent allow me to consistently tap into the unlimited power of my subconscious mind.”
“My thoughts are creative. My Power Affirmations and statements of intent are now creating the reality I desire.”
“My Power Affirmations and statements of intent positively influence my subconscious mind while I sleep.”
“My imagination now creates whatever I believe and conceive.”
“I now have all the resources I need to achieve my goals easily and effortlessly.”
“Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.”
“Today I am using 100% of my mind’s capacity.”
“I now have easy access to the information in my subconscious mind.”
“All subconscious information is being revealed to me now.”
“My subconscious mind is now revealing everything I need to know to create and fulfill my mission and purpose in life.”
“I am consciously aware of my beliefs. I only hold onto beliefs that support my highest and greatest good.”
“I now achieve my goals with joy and laughter.”
“I visualize what I want to be, have and do and act as if I am, done and have what I visualize.”
“I am guided and excited. All I need is within me now.”
“I am now filled with faith, certainty, and confidence. I now create and feel these emotions in my body.”
“I now walk and move with assurance, poise, and personal power.”
“I now have the ability to change anything in my life that I choose to change. I take complete responsibility for my life.”
“I can now create a state of total certainty and confidence at a moment’s notice anytime I need it.”
“I am committed to constant and never-ending improvement, my performance is improving everyday.”
“I am now fearless, courageous and bold.”
“I now control the pictures, sounds, and feelings that I create in my mind.”
“I am now absolutely clear about the specific results I want in every area of my life.”
“I now make my future my present. My future is now.”
“My subconscious mind now provides me with the specific massive action plans I need to attain my desired results.”
“I now create magic moments for myself, my family and friends.”
“My consciousness is continually expanding and my life increasing.”
“My knowledge is increasing everyday.”
“Life within me is constantly seeking fuller expression and expansion.”
“I now have infinite command of the means of life.”
“I am now able to perform every function of which I am capable—physical, mental, and spiritual.”
“I am now playing my proper role in helping humanity find truth.”
“I am the creator. Through effective use of my thoughts, talents, and imagination, I now create new wealth and abundance for myself and for others.”
“I now concentrate all of my thoughts on Source’s infinite supply through the Formless Substance.”
“Infinite riches are coming to me as fast as I can receive and use them.”
“All of my thoughts and actions are consistent and congruent and in perfect harmonic resonance with the attainment of my Definite Major Purpose in life.”
“I now have a clear concept of what I want to do, to have, and to become.”
“I now arrange my vision into a coherent whole and I impress this whole
desire upon the Formless Substance with full faith that my vision has
become reality.”
“I now create a burning desire within myself for all the good things I want.”
“My mind is firmly fixed and focused on exactly what I want.”
“My faith is so strong that I can see the completion of my goals before they
“I now see a clearly defined mental picture of the wealth I desire.”
“I am now receiving exactly what I am asking for through my thoughts and
my actions.”
“I now use my will power to focus my mind with faith and purpose on the
vision of what I want.”
“I am now in complete control of my own mind and attention.”
“Vision. Purpose. Faith. Gratitude. Action.”
“I am now larger than my present place and I have a clear vision of what I
want to be.”
“My vision is definite. My purpose is fixed. My faith is steady. And my
gratitude is deep.”
“As I have written, so be it, it is done”




Special thanks to Mucc, TheBlackEmperer and TBD for these excellent lists that you have put together. You can take over almost all of them. So far, I haven’t really taken the time to work with the field. Because my playlist is already overflowing anyway. But you just need to delete what applies to you and install new beliefs. Super job !!!
:star_struck: :star_struck: :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Say for example if you want to create an aura around you that grabs peoples attention when you walk into a room would the following be ok

“I now radiate an aura that is impossible for people to ignore”

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Might just Install belief that you are irresistible to others. But I like where your head’s at! You can for sure accomplish what you ask




Your subconscious mind does not understand denials.
Why do you keep mentioning abandonment?
It’s not convenient because since there are no no’s in your mind, you’re going to be mentioning exactly this:

I know how to live, feeling abandonment
I know how to live my life safely, feeling abandonment
I know how to live my life, to attract people who will abandonment

The reality to collapse is going to be confusing. So watch out for that.

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How would you create then?

The Masters are showing up I love it :).

Disclaimer: I use the term Master with my own understanding of the way things are. It is simply a compliment to the depth of your post. I only say this in advance because I have encountered others that feel some kind of way about praise.

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The problem is a symbolic representation of what happens inside the individual.
Well, it is essential to see in what aspects we are abandoning ourselves, perhaps denying ourselves of our way of being for “fear” of abandonment. Do you understand the correlation?

We are denying ourselves or abandoning ourselves and then we see it represented outside.

So statements that can reprogram this are the following:

Everyone loves me as I am and my whole life is a reflection of the immensity of my self-love.

I know how to live my life and I am free to have/be/do whatever I want.

My personality is distinguished, authentic and unique and everyone loves me for my company and my stay in their lives.

You may not like the way you are, congratulations, you have the opportunity to be the way you really want to be.


I am with you 100! I can dig it.

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that is extremely false


Retort, or rebuttal please. I would like to know your stance… If you would be so inclined.



Enlighten us, Majesty.


Practice reciting afformations

Afformations, as opposed to affirmations (statements), are questions that you ask yourself, really aiming them at your subconscious mind, that are posed as enquiries as to how or why something has already happened.

For example, if your desire is to manifest $100,000.00. You would ask yourself questions like:

‘How did I manifest 100,000 dollars so quickly?’, ‘Why am I getting so many sales all of a sudden?’ or ‘Why are so many people reaching out to me for jobs?’.

You can replace the word ‘jobs’ with ‘orders’, ‘opportunities’, etc. You get the point.

Another example, if you would like to lose 10 kgs of fat. You may ask questions like:

‘How did I lose 10 kgs of fat so easily?’,’Why am I so motivated to work out?’ or ‘Why don’t I feel like eating carbs or sugar anymore?’.

Notice that all these questions are addressing something that has already happened?

You’ve already gotten the $100,000.00. You’ve already lost the 10kgs of fat. You’ve already manifested your desire.

Why afformations and not affirmations?

Afformations cleverly bypass the resistance that affirmations give rise to. When you ask ‘how did I lose 10kgs of fat?’, it doesn’t get measured against the programs and belief systems you already have running in your subconscious mind.

Whereas, if you make bold statements like ‘I am happy and grateful that I now weigh 60 kgs’, you get a thought, feeling, or both, saying ‘no, I’m not’, or ‘no, you’re not’. This is what causes the affirmation to fail.

You will discover that with afformations, you can get results in as little as 24 hrs.

Sound simple enough?

Here are three easy methods of using afformations effectively:

Afformations Method number one:

Utilise your afformation within the 55 x 5 methodology.

If you’re unfamiliar with this method, you basically take a statement or a question, and write it out by hand 55 times a day, for 5 days.

You can do 33 x 3 as well, which is 33 times a day, for 3 days.

I would suggest you grab a pen and paper and write out the question by hand. I have tested this on a computer as well, and find that I am more successful when I hand write.

Note. Do not seek out an answer to your afformation question, just write it out thinking that it’s your subconscious mind’s problem in figuring out the answer.

If you follow the advice in point 2 above, you will find that answers to these questions flow to you when you’re sitting in quiet contemplation.

Afformations Method number two:

Find a quiet place, clear your mind, and recite the question verbally at least 40 times.

Given that it’s a single question, I would suggest you recite it 108 times. The number 108 holds a lot of significance in sacred geometry, which further energises the intent behind the afformation.

If you can recite the questions out aloud, adding genuine intent behind it, the subconscious mind will recognise the seriousness and urgency of its manifestation into your present reality.

Afformations Method number three:

Each morning and night, as you awaken and fall off to sleep, spend at least five minutes contemplating your afformations. Let it be the last thing you do as you sleep, and the very first thoughts that cross your mind as you awaken.

Here are some examples:

‘Why does everyone love, adore and respect me so much?’.

‘How am I so easily manifesting $10,000 every single month?’

‘How did I manifest a networth of 2 million dollars so easily by the year 2021?’.

‘Why does my partner love and adore me so much?.

‘How did I become so fit, toned and attractive?’

‘Why does everyone go out of their way to help me?’.

You can utilise a single method or a combination of all three.

With daily use, you will begin to exist in a state where resistance does not exist, and where the subconscious mind has no reason for this desire not to be a part of your present reality, and so, your vibration shifts and natural manifestation occurs.

SOURCE: Spirituality zone (yt channel)


Do I just say delete “this” install “that” like above or, I have to follow the exact statement on the instruction jpg? Thanks

Generally good life advice - when in doubt, follow the instructions.


Yeah I can dig that. When you are limitless the field is wide open. Just do it and see what happens lol.