I put this list together a couple weeks ago. Take from it what you need and apply it to your work. I use another tool called the Intention Repeater to play this list in a WAV file.
“My Power Affirmations and statements of intent work whether I believe in them or not.”
“My Power Affirmations and statements of intent allow me to consistently tap into the unlimited power of my subconscious mind.”
“My thoughts are creative. My Power Affirmations and statements of intent are now creating the reality I desire.”
“My Power Affirmations and statements of intent positively influence my subconscious mind while I sleep.”
“My imagination now creates whatever I believe and conceive.”
“I now have all the resources I need to achieve my goals easily and effortlessly.”
“Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.”
“Today I am using 100% of my mind’s capacity.”
“I now have easy access to the information in my subconscious mind.”
“All subconscious information is being revealed to me now.”
“My subconscious mind is now revealing everything I need to know to create and fulfill my mission and purpose in life.”
“I am consciously aware of my beliefs. I only hold onto beliefs that support my highest and greatest good.”
“I now achieve my goals with joy and laughter.”
“I visualize what I want to be, have and do and act as if I am, done and have what I visualize.”
“I am guided and excited. All I need is within me now.”
“I am now filled with faith, certainty, and confidence. I now create and feel these emotions in my body.”
“I now walk and move with assurance, poise, and personal power.”
“I now have the ability to change anything in my life that I choose to change. I take complete responsibility for my life.”
“I can now create a state of total certainty and confidence at a moment’s notice anytime I need it.”
“I am committed to constant and never-ending improvement, my performance is improving everyday.”
“I am now fearless, courageous and bold.”
“I now control the pictures, sounds, and feelings that I create in my mind.”
“I am now absolutely clear about the specific results I want in every area of my life.”
“I now make my future my present. My future is now.”
“My subconscious mind now provides me with the specific massive action plans I need to attain my desired results.”
“I now create magic moments for myself, my family and friends.”
“My consciousness is continually expanding and my life increasing.”
“My knowledge is increasing everyday.”
“Life within me is constantly seeking fuller expression and expansion.”
“I now have infinite command of the means of life.”
“I am now able to perform every function of which I am capable—physical, mental, and spiritual.”
“I am now playing my proper role in helping humanity find truth.”
“I am the creator. Through effective use of my thoughts, talents, and imagination, I now create new wealth and abundance for myself and for others.”
“I now concentrate all of my thoughts on Source’s infinite supply through the Formless Substance.”
“Infinite riches are coming to me as fast as I can receive and use them.”
“All of my thoughts and actions are consistent and congruent and in perfect harmonic resonance with the attainment of my Definite Major Purpose in life.”
“I now have a clear concept of what I want to do, to have, and to become.”
“I now arrange my vision into a coherent whole and I impress this whole
desire upon the Formless Substance with full faith that my vision has
become reality.”
“I now create a burning desire within myself for all the good things I want.”
“My mind is firmly fixed and focused on exactly what I want.”
“My faith is so strong that I can see the completion of my goals before they
“I now see a clearly defined mental picture of the wealth I desire.”
“I am now receiving exactly what I am asking for through my thoughts and
my actions.”
“I now use my will power to focus my mind with faith and purpose on the
vision of what I want.”
“I am now in complete control of my own mind and attention.”
“Vision. Purpose. Faith. Gratitude. Action.”
“I am now larger than my present place and I have a clear vision of what I
want to be.”
“My vision is definite. My purpose is fixed. My faith is steady. And my
gratitude is deep.”
“As I have written, so be it, it is done”