Manifestation with MWO

Has anyone tips for manifesting with a Multi wave oscillator and reality shifter pendant from maitreya? I would like to manifest a lottery win and perfect health for my family and a peacuful and fair world.

Do we have this field? I don’t reckon this.

In this thread you can find ideas and experiences for the Reality Shifter. I’ve been using DM and I left some information in this thread how to combine this with other fields. The key is to not shift away because many people do that.

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I meant with the Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator that combines a device that nikola tesla built with lakhovsky with healing crystals to emit scalar waves that charge your prana, raise your vibration and help with manifestation. the seller calls it also ‘manifestation machine’. It can also charge orgone discs or other crystals and in the instructions it sais that you should place a picture of the object you want to manifest on top. but the seller Aplicum doesnt reply so ill try my luck here since i also have the reality shifter pendant.

what do you mean by that? accidentally manifesting the wrong thoughts? i thought there is a security system in the field that makes it impossible to manifest unwanted stuff

info about multi wave oscillator:

No idea. Can’t answer that question because I’ve never used anything like that.

No field will override your free will. With Reality Shifter you shift into reality where you achieve your goal but you need to take steps and make it happen.

For example:

You want to become a millionaire. You shift to the reality where this is going to happen. But to become one, you need to start a company producing software that helps people with learning. It will bring you the money, the wife, the home you have never dreamed of. Instead of learning skills and following the pull of that field, you’ve decided to stay in your current job. You start to be frustrated. You marry someone else. Things aren’t great. You shifted away from that reality. That’s why taking steps that are aligned with your goal is crucial.
Also, please note that you came here with your baggage, your karma, your ancestral burdens and blessings and soul purpose and lessons.

I believe she means, if you want to change, because you want away from something. thats never good.

F.e. you want to shift OUT OF this situation is not the same as shifting INTO a wanted situation. This is not the same. The first is resistance and the second is what you want, youre not in a fight with what is now.

It’s something I realized recently. I need to accept me as I am now and my life as it is now.

I have traits that are really hard to accept. Im guilty and really ashamed for, but i need to accept everything that is now as if it will ever be like that, to further develop more and more love and becoming able to change easily and quickly.

do i have to say ‘Activate [wish] Stop’ out loud or is thinking of it, especially while meditating enough?

does saying activate in english or does my native language work?

thanks so much for your wisdom

You can think/telephatically and it works in your native language. You can give commands to any field in your native language. I tested and fields respond to intention.

It sais in the description that it doesnt affect other people. So if I’d wish for example that my mother will get her cold cured asap it will only work if her will is also that she gets cured? And if she hypothetically did want to stay sick (she doesnt :stuck_out_tongue: ) it would not work?

and would you recommend looping audio fields?

It won’t work on other people. You can only manifest for yourself.