The Best Manifestation Techniques

What is your favorite manifestation technique that always gets you results?

Does this manifestation work for you in all areas or only in some areas of your life?

Which fields do you combine your manifestations?

When do manifestations come easily to you and when do you find it difficult? What is the difference in your inner state during a successful and unsuccessful manifestation?

Let’s discuss best practices and fields related to successful manifestations that helped you to archive your desires and goals.


Not always but when i wakeup i try to focus on something i want, with feelings… End result
I get sometimes, sometimes not…

I visualized getting download books.knowledge from this forum freeofcost , as i am a student. unable to pay the price
I literally sended msg to genius and he send it …
Now i am Visualising to get different products from.this forum :stuck_out_tongue:
I literally enjoy your products …they work tooooo fast and changed my life :3

I am learner of visualising technique so can’t visualise big right now :relieved:
Iam sorry, when my subconscious mind will accept whatever i need i will visualize big

mindset for getting things for me? lol :smiley: it will attract more poor you always say in your mind you have money to buy things you want it will attract abundance :smiley:

When i want to buy something , imagining it by end result doesnt seem to work,
but when i focus on chasing it (il buy it , ill buy it , i want it- in my mind) seems to work better

also i have 2 sources of money , one is MAIN income one is Bonus income
if i try to use main income for buying 1 thing and bonus income for another 1 thing, seems to work slow or not at all
but when i focus the 2 source of income into 1 thing, i got more bonus income to buy that 1 thing

@Maitreya What fields do you recommend to maintain a high state to manifest? Apart from Raise your vibrational state and love bomb I can’t think of another… :confused:

  • PLUS

I AM planning on getting " Remove Negative Energy" in Pendant form,
from ETSY Maitreya Fields there. Isnt the Pendant stronger in energy?
I Have The Domino Effect Pendant,as well as, Golden Timeline for Wealth & Gate Opener Pendants alike from Last Month. Remove Negative Energy & Fohat Connection + Fofire Pendants ,I would imagine this combination, to really help with MANIFESATION??? Looking forward to getting such.

Oh, I recently decided to buy a huge box for DM: Conceptual Manifestation Box then I write my ideas in The Reality Note (SR V4) Manifestor use it along with DM: The Reality Shifter and DM: Mind Master [ Manifestation Tool ] simultaneously. I put the RN into the box, and I set command from the RN in meditation with Mind Master. So I have all different fields working on the same goals for me :sunglasses: Enjoy!
It is easier to let go, knowing that you have an energetic team.

Oh and you can use DM: The Finder when you are looking for solutions to your dreams.


God this is Great ,Polaris !! I have Reality Shifter , Maya Ruler, RN and plan on getting Master Mind: Manifestation tool, to have these working together, I AM READY. An Energetic Team on the case!! yes and Oh Yes !!

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2: :slight_smile: Mind Master is really good at getting rid of bad thoughts that sabotage you.