Looking at news recently, seeing some companies will require employees to be vaccinated in order to keep a job. For these people, they can choose to quit the jobs if they don’t want to be jabbed.
Any thoughts if police/solider showed up at your door and forced you to be vax?
Or should you start to plan where to move/hide? Yet, where can we hide? If confront by refusing the shot, they have guns.
I foresee Canada may soon require vax for job, as now they will inject 12-17 years old now.
Move/hide for what? I choose not to participate in a fear matrix
Vax’s have been given for decades without all fear elements being injected
Unvaccinated soon won’t be able to travel, retain jobs etc…
I won’t take it. Good thing I don’t need to work or go to school. Just be aware of the situation and do what you need to do to not get jabbed and be pulled into the matrix. Also focus on what you want to manifest. Let the situation pass you by.
If your Kundalini/Ascension process has been activated, it is best to avoid anything toxic or genetic manipulation since it will impede the process of escaping the matrix. Kundalini and Ascension will purify and heal you and the more toxic, diseased, and injured the body is, the more painful the purification and healing process will be therefore the harder it is to escape.
The vaccine is about preventing ascension. Anything that is deeply engrossing in anything 3D will prevent ascension or just slow it down.
Vaccines whose results have been observed over decades. This was rushed and is experimental. Plus, most importantly I don’t trust the intentions of the powers that be anymore. It would be naive to think these people wouldn’t intentionally harm or even kill us for population control or whatever their sick sociopathic reasons are
How is that relevant? Even better for the powers that be (most who are awakened black magicians) and know exactly what they are doing trying to keep you down here as an energy/food source. Our consumerism, votes, labor, time, negative emotions, etc etc are all food for them. They know they are stuck here and need sustenance.
I don’t engage in people that defend the matrix because I cannot change their minds unless they are ready and that is up to them. The vaccine is part of depopulation and turning you into a emotionless machine that can be easily controlled and turned off.
This is what I think the vaccine could be for. Of course it’s just a theory but even my doctor who has a degree in microbiology and immunology thinks the jab will cause long term neurodegeneration and very soon.
She doesn’t tow the line like the rest of the doctors. To other doctors she does, but not with me.
Healing a highly damaged body can be extremely painful and deadly unless you have something like a med-bed that can actually heal anything, but those won’t be released until maybe around two years from now. I would not risk taking any vaccine. That vaccine is their “final solution”.
Death with these vaccines can be delayed. You will feel fine now, but you might get sick or die later.
There is no doubt that this jab has issue. Why would a politician try to promote jab by giving free hot dog, scholarship or even jackpot? If it is safe and effective, promotion is not needed. Have you seen famous university makes advertisement on tv? No, no need.
I don’t see science behind the jab…no data or proof on human . Tested animals are all dead…
My biggest concern is, even you don’t engages in this madness, the madness will hunt you. I never thought Too much on jab before April because it will not cross my path. But today government will require federal working, airline and banking to start mandate vax
One alerting thing is that there are many concentration/detention camps being built across the world. Canada has 2, and it was exposed due to hiring staffs.
So back to my question, I can certainly quit my job to avoid vax. But what about solider at your door with a gun and ask you to jab? I just want to hear comments on this part. Thanks.