Mandala Suggestions

Hello Maitreya :slightly_smiling_face::pray::heart::sunny:!

It would be great if you can create a mandala that generates negative ions.

Small summary of the virtues of negative ions:

Negative ions are beneficial for our health (unlike positive ions): they improve our mood, our tone, the quality of our sleep, concentration, the oxygenation of our tissuesā€¦ Negative ions also make us less vulnerable to stress.

This will help to purify the air :mount_fuji:.A good complement with that of uv-c :grin:

Thank you for everything you do :pray::heart:


Lol Iā€™m working on a tool for this as well!

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Great :grin: !!


@Maitreya the beautiful cloak as a mandala.

Would be pretty nice


I can dig it

And/or the Male & Female Attraction bundles

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Where do you publish your stuff?

All of my tools right now are in field test mode! Once they are approved by the tribe (souls tribe) I will be creating a Gumroad and eventually a website. The grounding one is turning out to be something very special and there is no one using the protocols that I have seen yet :).

Actually Iā€™ll drop one here in the forum for everyone to use today or tomorrow. I need to do a write on it so you all know how to engage the energy properly.


Nice, looking forward to it

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Brain Regeneration would be nice.


There is already an audio for that on Patreon/Stores.

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Buddha Conciousness Mandala


-Protection for loud noises
-Protection for allergens.

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request / suggestion of energy fields:

This is an energy field associated with one or more forms on paper (image / drawing), and which will capture one (possibly several) energy fields that are nearby,and so after saving, will be able to diffuse the energy in our aura / subconscious / energy system.

As you will have understood, this field aims to allow us to create our own personalized mandalas from the energetic audios available on the internet. We have already been given the opportunity to create our own dogtags with metallic objects, it is so much to do the same with mandalas.

Some might say, but if we already have our own metallic dogtags with the Storage Creator, why have the mandalas in addition, because it will be more or less the same? To which I will respond that although metal dogtags are marketed by manufacturers, these same manufacturers and many others also provide mandalas. So you can understand that there is surely a difference in the advantages that each of the two technologies provide.

What could be some of the benefits of creating your own mandalas! Not to mention the ease of finding a printed image compared to a metal object, and the ease of transporting it on and in different media (phone, tablet, computer, pockets, bag, etc.). The great advantage remains the possibility of gradually increasing (or potentially decreasing) the power of the mandalaā€™s energy field.

Basically it is normally possible to increase the power of a mandala by printing it in a size (dimensions) much larger than the original.It is also possible to increase the power by printing (or displaying on the screen) several copies.
Of course not all mandalas work this way, it all depends on how they were originally programmed by the manufacturer. BUT THIS IS THE IDEA OF THE PROGRAM MENTIONED HERE.

So to summarize, it is a question of creating one (or several separately) mixture of form or an image which is a mandala which contains the field RESERVOIR DE FIELD / PICHETTE DE FIELD, and which has the ability to capture one field at a time when a key word / activation word is pronounced (and there is an energy field present). The maximum saving capacity of the mandala can be one or more energy fields.It could possibly have another keyword to delete all the contents of the storage mandala where then the contents of the storage mandala will be automatically deleted after a certain time.

So this field will essentially function as a vacuum cleaner that sucks and stores any nearby energies when activated.And then constantly repressed the copy of those same energies.

So with this technology, it will be possible to increase the power of the fields that we store.And to do so, it will suffice to display several copies (digital or printed) of the mandala. And you will no longer need to search for storage items, but you will be able to use them on your devices.

It is true that there are already more powerful versions of the fields on the manufacturersā€™ gumroad platforms, But for those who do not have enough means and who really need help, it could reinforce the copies made on youtube several times.But more importantly, there are some gumroad version from some manufacturers that are not strong enough for some of our problems, so it will also be possible to strengthen these gumroad versions which lack a little power.

Disclaimer: I am not promoting overpowering. Iā€™m just saying that some things and / or some people need more power, and thatā€™s and that it is their right to have access to it. This is also freedom, to be able to be able to choose oneself in all responsibility what is good for oneself and what one wants for oneself.

PS: normally the fields are much more stable when they are fixed on solid objects which are difficult to deform (eg metals), so I donā€™t know if it is possible to make this field request on a printed image. (and I do not know what will give a printed image that one sticks on a metallic object).

@Maitreya , @Genius .


Damn awesome

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This would be really helpful as various insects can bring diseases.


Agree. I have spiders and ants in my house that come and go from time to time.

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mandala with monkeyā€™s energy if you donā€™t mind mai :heart:

Reject humanity. Return to monke.

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