KING's CHAMBER Sacred Places

In this series we will include many sacred places that are built from our ancestors. They are a lot more than people can imagine and from what society schools teach. Sacred Places are highly energetical and also attune the body with great mathematical/sacred geometry frequency that align all chakras + other benefits.


WOW Maitreya is on FIRE!!!


This has been on patreon for while no?

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Okay I get it now

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Have you tried the epsilon mandala + epsilon brainwave sapiens field? (and playing before astral primer)

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I also can give you something very useful but it requires serious work and dedication


You are on the right track with that thought process.

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In case you gonna reach that state you gonna plant a seed and then after a while you are able to put yourself into that state instantly → instant astral projection in 10-20sec


Yea that state is quite insane…30-40min in epsilon felt like 7-8hrs theta or 3-4hrs delta meditation so it’s definetly a skill that is worth to learn.


Btw, you really need good binaurals for delta or epsilon to have some serious impact there.

With isochronic it can take forever and i don’t recommend to use cheap youtube binaurals. The brainwave 3dare the most powerful binaurals i know so far, close followed by iAwake.


What do you think about using Schumann frequency which some ppl says helps for astral?

A md for this gem @Maitreya Since there is no boosted version :pray::pray::heart::heart:

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Which other benefits are included involving chakras? Intense nausea and huge block on throat is what i discovered first hand listening to this. Also do you know why my head has intense pressure and third eye pressure, sometimes feeling like a whirlwind/orcano. I feel stuff crawling everywhere on my body and stuff flying out my “backdoor” which then tries to detach from body like glue. Crazy stuff happening and i truly appreciate professional answers. Just a few things i am dealing with now.

Huge activity around genitals sometimes pinching and cold , feeling like particles moving around trying to break loose. When i stop breathing it flows downward and often stops when i breathe. If i breathe in a correct manner which is hard right now, stuff will be detaching and it feels sooooooo good for a second or two. It feels like a million particles in my body trying to flee or somethong.

I always feel depleted no matter how much i eat, constant weight loss, many unwanted thoughts and visual images in minds eye stressing me

Feeling huge block on solar too like cement. Heartburn, digestive issues, body cannot hold water for long.

Alot of trapped air too, sodium bicarbonate does not help.

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Wow it really feels like an invisible layer over my body filled with particles moving everywhere even inside nose ears eyes and places where the sun don’t shine. Sometimes i get this extremely pleasant tingling where there’s more activity. All the days before mostly downstairs but now there is most tingling on my face neck nose cheeks.



It certainly feels like i am purging.

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Yeah, I agree. Since it’s been a couple days, how do you feel now @woah_Dude?

Still the same man. Whenever i calm down it gets more active, for instance around my b*alls it feels like an extra weight trying to get loose and sometimes i seriously feel like a string of something warm releasing but it never gets to that point. Ears nose even eyes i feel at times things are excreting.

At this point it is just interesting because i am not getting worse but it bogs me that it is so intruding and that i dont know the reason . .

Like yesterday when i was @ my familys house we all were sitting by the fire and suddenly there was a release small particles running down my legs and im kinda worried that it spreads around…

And it disturbs me that theres so much waste in my body systems it never stops. All this started about 4 months ago, ive been doing subliminals morphic fields energetically programmed audios for about a year and a half on and off.

Theres so much more going on with me but this interests me the most.

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Maybe nano bots? In that case when will it stop and how much can i possibly have? Maybe @Maitreya can make a video about this since it affects everyone because nano bots are infested everywhere, on the ground in the air in the food etc.

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And it gets more active when i listen to subliminals etc.

For example now i lay down listening to brahmacarya v1 and around the b*alls the particles are increasing in size and together slowly moves downward and even more so if i breathe correctly. Alot of pinching

It sometimes come with a sewer-like smell.

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You have been living all this time with all that garbage crap inside your body, and now you’ve finally found something that can effectively get it out of you. Sure, the process may not be ideal…

But, instead of getting frustrated with the discomfort or displeased about side-effects like strange smells, be grateful that you are finally being let free of all that junk.