ISR Clear List & Results

I am creating this journal since the thread for what was cleared was a mess. I see @TheBlackEmperor is updating that with posts outside that thread if he finds what I say interesting he can post an update there. I’ll keep updating this post for easy readability. I hope this could be of some use for you.

@Maitreya the statement “Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.” does that need to be said after each belief or can we say that at the end when we finish for the day? I will say it after each till I get an official answer from you when you have time. Never hurts to have more gratitude.

First I am going to start with my beliefs about change. I will be clearing the below today.

Change is difficult. -> Change is easy. Change is effortless. Change is fun.

Change can’t be easy. -> Change is easy. Change is effortless. Change is fun.

Change takes a long time. -> Change can happen instantly. Change happens quickly.

Change doesn’t happen overnight. -> Change can happen quickly. Change happens rapidly.

Change is not safe. -> Change is safe. It’s safe to make big changes. I am effortlessly supported in all changes. I am always supported in all change.

Change is painful. -> Change feels good. Change is fun. I love and embrace change. I welcome and embrace change.

These have been done total time: 2 minutes 55 seconds. I feel light headed.


What I did so far today. 2 minutes 3 seconds. I will edit this post if I do more later.

Life has to be hard -> I am effortlessly supported in life.

Life is a struggle -> Life is always conspiring in my favor. the universe is always conspiring in my favor.

Life is hard -> Life is easy, effortless, carefree, fun, a journey, an adventure.

Life is painful -> Success comes effortlessly to me. Success can happen effortlessly. Success can happen rapidly.

I am here to suffer -> I am here to thrive. Everything I experience is happening for my growth, healing, success, evolution.

---- More I did today. 3 minutes 53 seconds

I am ashamed of my body -> I love and accept my body just as it is.

I am ashamed of my sexuality -> Sex is natural, beautiful and healthy.

I am shameful -> Sex is natural, beautiful and healthy.

I’m unattractive -> My body is beautiful, sexy, strong, capable.

I’m ugly -> My body is beautiful, sexy, strong, capable.

I’m fat -> I am a work in progress.

It is shameful to experience pleasure -> It is my birthright to experience pleasure. Experiencing pleasure is healthy and natural.

I will never get better -> I am getting better, healthier every day. My system, body, mind is coming back into balance and health. I am coming back into balance. My mind and body are resilient.


In the end is enough :slight_smile: So, once.
This helps to the subconsciousness to know that these changes are really made NOW, and it is a fact.