Insistent energy blocks that won't go away

I have really annoying and annoying energy blocks, but nothing I do to remove them helps, no audio, sometimes it feels like it came out, but shortly afterwards I see that they are still there.

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What did you try except for audios?

No advanced techniques, but I constantly moved my energy to the block trying to force him to leave.

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I also tried acupuncture for a while have a good aura clearer for that

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Well, I’m not really surprised DarkMatter, every time you check whether they are still there, you confirm their existence. Even if they were gone, you would bring them back to life with this act. Wanting to get rid of something only confirms its existence. Because if it wasn’t there, you wouldn’t need to get rid of it. Just ignore them, pay no more attention to them and in time they will starve energetically and disappear.


Your higher self might be trying to tell you something…try listening to it

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have you tried the Dreamseed energy blockage removal audio?

this one helped me a lot in my beginnings for the cleaning of my lower chakras


I hate to tell anyone they are wrong, but @DarkMatter is actually doing the right thing by seeking solutions. If a person wants to run a marathon and they can’t, because they don’t have the lung capacity then what do they do? Tell themselves that it’s not a problem and then experience suffering in their training or try to find a solution? It’s not as simple as telling oneself there is no problem


It always depends on the level from which you look at it. From a dualistic point of view, you are right. Problem on the one hand, solution on the other. Just like perpetrators and victims. But if you take responsibility for what happens in your life or, better said, you realize that you are the cause of everything that happens in your life. Can you also take the appropriate steps to change all the situations that don’t suit you with self-discipline and self-knowledge.
But nobody wants to hear that, because then you can’t blame anyone else. So I say it again and again, deal with what Neville Goddard taught. And realize that you are the problem and the solution to all that you experience in life.


The tip of sahiela helped a little, some blocks seem to have disappeared, others just do not come out even stopping to focus on them, sooner or later give a sign of life.


Yeah, I agree it’s good to try and use your mind where possible. Only issue is that not everyone can leverage the power of their mind due to things like limiting beliefs or repressed emotions


Yes, but fortunately we have the support from all the fields that exist. But these are only crutches, our goal should be that we can do it in our minds. Because then we come to where we belong, as true conscious creators of our reality.


Yes, this is very true

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You have to open your root chakra, that will help with grounding.
And of grounding audios like Sapiens and Maitreya.