Alien implants

I have been having a lot of problems with implants for years, if I knew it would cause so much trouble I would never have tried to remove my implants, I was fine before I tried to remove them but after that it all turned to chaos, my energy body became a complete mess and nothing can recover it. I don’t know why this happened, I don’t know if the audios I used to try to remove the implants weren’t good enough and caused more problems than solutions, as at that time I didn’t even know Maitreya. But what happened is that it looks like the implants have grown, exploded, I really don’t know what happened, but the whole area of ​​my leg and feet is completely blocked energetically, the energy flow is completely blocked, I’m sure some people will suggest to ignore, but it doesn’t work just like that, it doesn’t work, during a meditation or a state of concentration energy sensitive people feel the energy flowing throughout the body, it’s not something you can just stop, just be sitting and I feel the blocks in the my right leg getting in my way during the day, sometimes this is a trigger for anxiety, and the more I focus the more I will feel, if I am lying down and concentrated, the energy flow is so blocked that I feel pain in my left leg, they are not circulatory problems, my whole physical body is in great condition, I went to the doctor several times. This started after I tried to remove implants and it’s getting worse and worse, I’ve tried all Maitreya audios, 114 chakras cleasing, eternal cleaner, alien implants, just none of them solve my problem, it’s extremely uncomfortable to meditate, I can’t do any peaceful meditation because pain and discomfort get in the way, it’s been more than 2 years, I don’t want to use audios to try to solve this, I want other types of tips, I look for techniques, books, if anyone knows techniques or books that indicate techniques to remove blocks please pass me.

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I’m not an expert , but perhaps try a bath with sea salt ? Salt is very good at clearing all our bodies! Do it for 10-15 procedures every other day! Wish you good luck man!


How sure is you have had implants?

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Try it with uv-c light

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If you’re on this planet, then you have implants, we all do.


How does that help?

Yes but I mean how sure you are the problem you have is due to implants?
It could be another thing.

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Any updates? Could help those who go through the same thing

Falun dafa is the best practice to deal with any energetic blockage from any source, it’s just phenomenal, it’s only been 1 week since I resumed my trainings, and already I have great results, I can feel great blocks that I haven’t been able to remove for years simply if dissolving, i unlocked my heart chakra, i can feel that my solar plexus is still locked, but with a little more training i will be able to unlock it, my negative emotions have reduced, it’s like i still keep the same thought patterns, but I just didn’t care about them, it’s a strange and difficult state of being to explain, my physical strength has increased, my inner power is just incredible, people have started to notice me on the street, all my senses have been heightened, the world now has color. There are such “virtues” of falun dafa, but this has nothing to do with training, you can train and get results regardless of your belief and you don’t have to change yourself for that.


You know much more than me, so i wanna ask you what you think about these fields:

  • Alien implant removal Maitreya
  • Implant removal SZ
  • Remove blockages Dream

I’m not a sensitive, but i think my life is going so well due to my will, but I think that these fields are helping me. Actually I did not remove Veils between worlds, maybe when I’ll be more prepared.

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That reminds me of a post in a different forum i read someone mentioned that the so called ‘blockages’ are not blockages but “knots”

Im not sure if this applies and if i understood it correctly

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I relate to how you felt. I experienced a similar thing with my heart area too + more willpower but didnt practice Falun Dafa

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I have experimented with removing dream seed locks several times, and all I can say is that in just a few days of Falun Dafa I can get the same benefits as several weeks of consistent listening, I have never used SZ lock removal, and the what i can say about alien implant audios in general is that it’s not what i really expected, it doesn’t have as obvious benefits as what most people say or something really good i’ve noticed, maybe i’ll listen to the removal audio again of maitreya implants later, I always like to test old audios after having discovered new methods, as maybe they were what was needed to get results, maybe falun dafa will help, I don’t know, I’ll see later.


It’s an interesting concept.

I’ll wait your sharing. :slight_smile:

Actually I want to use all of them and I think that they could do a good work. When I’ll have the possibility, I’ll buy the Removal Seals DM of Maitreya.

Is there such a thing as removing implants safely without causing issues? If there is, how and what do we remove exactly? Should we have our 3rd eye opened?

As I said, I believe that falun dafa is the best way to deal with blockages, I don’t even know at first if falun dafa is capable of removing implants, but I feel the energy flowing through my legs finally, I’ve never been stronger than now, I had a semi lucid dream a few days ago, all morphic fields are showing good results now, except those that have to do with money or attraction. You don’t exactly need to have a 3 eye open to remove your implants, actually 3 eye open is a term that can mean many things, you can have a 3 eye open and still not see the spirit world, maitreya’s audio for removal of implants should be fine.

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what is this? :smiley:


How’s it going with falun dafa?