How to really let things go

I use clearing audios but they only seem to make things worse, I don’t know how to actually release what needs to be released, it just doesn’t happen, events that made me angry in the past come back and keep spinning in my mind, and it just doesn’t end until I stop the audio I was doing, in the end nothing is released and this only generates stress, how can I really release things? How to let go? Could the audio of Maitreya’s art of letting go help this process?

Play this and read the story. It’s a bit long read with three parts but you won’t regret it. Better than anything else you’d find most probably


First you need to be in a certain state of detachment before you can integrate and dissolve things otherwise it creates just a loop of new generating problems. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between inside or outside and if the “trauma” gets you, you will just create another trauma as you experienced it in the external world.

In the most case just jumping into nothingness or zen will cause for an untrained mind just more problem so it’s suitable to use the mind as a tool to create a new set of pattern and to increase your mindfulness. Once you reached where detachment with your lower body-mind complex happens you can integrate and dissolve traumas. If you can sit with the trauma without any resistence it will disappear from alone.

There are endless techniques how to do it…some people prefer visualization other words/mantras. If done consistently atleast 20-30min better 1-2hrs daily without any excuses and determination you will see results.

Before anyone comes with “ah there is a field for that”…forget it. They accelerate things but especially mindfulness is something that doesn’t come from fields.

Also, overstimulation of your nervous system/brain is something that makes it really hard to be mindful so i recommend get an awareness for resourcemanagement instead just spamming all day some stuff. In the most case it just makes you harder to be coherent.

And the usual common sense in health like food, enough movement etc…Body and Mind are connected, if you want a healthy mind you also need a healthy body.

Make sure to build enough shen and ojas. Makes it easier to reach flowstate.


For me the most simple way, i don’t mean is always easy, is to surrender.

When i have something i find difficult i surrender to the universe and stop trying to control anything.

Then things usually solve alone quite fast.


Listen to Michael A. Singer’s “Living from a place of surrender” audio course.

There’s a more expensive video version at sounds true. But the audio version at audible is sufficient. Excellent course and highly recommended. You’ll be blown away.

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In my opinion, have something to do in life.
If you constantly think about your job, your play, then naturally u detach.
Basically that is living in the now.

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