How to neutralize effects of Wizard spells?

Yeah, that was mentioned already…

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I didn’t know you bought one - nice! Congrats!!!


If you are willing I can do some energy work with you. DM me


Btw Brenda is a golden soul. I ha e do e worm with her as well and the elders spoke to me directly!


Lol have done work*


Hej Lucas, yes i talked with Brenda and she helped me in her way. By the way, she is awesome. Yes, Twisted Sage is great and i have been using Quantum Healer Pendant which extracted lots of foreign energy. But it missed some parts that I am now extracting with this Reiki video I posted an hour ago. Now i am almost certen that it is something etheric that’s been troubling me.


Hi! I did inhabiter long time ago, paid it in full and it didn’t do anything.
Btw, i have no entities, Brenda removed only one i had, and it didn’t bother me at all.
My trouble is from different nature, something etheric.


I will let you know. I am trying something righ now.

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It’s not a spell or curse. I already tried that.


It’s interesting that for past two days i have been using Tesnor Ring for clearing aura and once i have finished i felt amazing and happy. But after i left Tensor Ring the effects would start to reappear. Also using this Reiki video that i posted above is right now helping me alot. In that video is stated that it removes etheric implants, attachments and hooks. My head is shifting from formulas and my original look before 5 years is returning. I will probably have to use it for couple of hours to release all etheric garbage. Will post again tomorrow.


mabye make a post on the SM they are very knowledge and have more users that could give u insight on ur probly

all i can say really is booted boots mabye?

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Will add to this, Programmed_Intention (PI)'s Sacred Heart Activation also connects you to your Higher Self (or rather integrates it into you)

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How about SZ’s Karma Removal? Would that help? Or Intercession audios from Sapien?


Man I listened to him too. How can i know i have a spell on? is there any way to detect it myself…

I would try connecting to God the highest who is all around by going to God within. That might work. Connecting to the most powerful benevolent being should destroy any malevolent effects.

out of curiosity, how do you know that it’s Frequency Wizard’s audios that are causing all of this? (not defending him at all, asking because I listened to some of his stuff in the past)

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When you see titles like Wizard, Warlock, and Witch, you better watch out.


Hey bro, if this really is a spell, don’t worry because the higher self can solve everything… be careful not to become a victim, bad feelings weaken an aura.
Project your mental strength and brute psychic strength to destroy whatever shit is filling you with paranoia, believe me it works, destroy the negativity with force, listen to testosterone and supreme dht :muscle::stuck_out_tongue:… haha, raise your vibration


talk more about FW and SW, I’ve been listening for some time and I had good results, very fast, I didn’t feel anything negative, but I’m aware now… continue the conversation

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The Sacred Heart activation is central to the work Brenda does and is also programmed into the Golden Fire tensor ring tools they sell at TwistedSage (and in my personal experience, the rings are MUCH stronger & more effective than the PI mandala).

So, your suggestion was definitely a good idea, but in this situation it’s covered by what’s already been done.