Hormones help please help

I have used a testosterone audio of some other creator in the past. It was working great but after some time I felt like my testosterone is no longer increasing but decreasing. After some time my testosterone is extremely low. I tried using other creators testosterone to fix it but nothing worked. I tried hormonal balance fields but nothing worked, I tried subconcious limits dissolvers,Blockage removers,Ego dissolutions, a shit ton of things. And they do not work for me . Even tried endocrine audios. Nothing works I don’t know what to do please help. I feel like theres just no hope for me. Also tried reversal audios or reset audios. Like literally nothing is helping

How do you feel that exactly?
You can skip that question of course if you dont want to answer.

Have you tried grounding? It may be excessive energy your issue, or maybe can you take a break for like a week and do not hear anything at all?

Then see the results and try some of the maitreyas balancing audios.

I think I tried every balancing audio that there is. Already tried maitreia.
How do I feel that? Cuz I felt that in the past cuz I listened to binaural nutrition which also made my testosterone low but after that I listened to the creator mentioned at the beggining at it came back to normal. Exact same feelings like low libido,no energy,loss of muscle,etc.

And I tried taking breaks. listening less. Listening more. Nothing works. NOTHING

When reversing fields does not help, you might need to revoke contracts that you made with those creators.

I would recommend listening to the Blueprint Series for a week + Divine Revocation (ask the Creator to remove everything) + Restore Source Connection and see how you feel.

Have you tried this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdNqqkFYe0E&t=148s

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Tried that one in the link. Did not help. Also tried blueprints. Did not help.

Some other advices? I feel like I search 90% of the internet for the fix and nothing helped

How long did you use them for?

I would go to the doctor, get blood test done and see if they have anything that can physically restore it. You might search for holistic solutions that balance hormones. Homeopathy, food. Body response to energy but physical approach is more direct and results are faster.

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Been there done the test. But can’t get trt there and have to rely on fields. Which I don’t know why they don’t work. And used blueprints for like 2 weeks. Also I noticed that whenever I play fields I feel some pressure on my forehead. Its not headache and migraine. Its literally some kind of pressure

What I’ve noticed with the physical body fields is that it won’t really do the heavy lifting for you, it’s more like a supplement. You can’t just activate these fields and sit on the couch all day, that’ll actually work against the field. You definitely need to have a consistent work out routine, good clean nutrition, healthy BMI, avoid environmental pollutants, etc. The point is, you’ll have to make the major lifestyle changes, and these fields will assist you.

Now, I’m not saying the fields are weak, definitely not the case, if you ever use Soul contract revocation or universal clearing and spent a few days in bed because of how powerful it is, you’d know what I’m talking about.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to low testosterone, and unfortunately these days it’s starting to affect even younger people. Also there’s endocrine disruptors in everything, for example, “vegetable oil”, those destroy testosterone levels.

How’s your BMI%? If it’s over 25%, you defintely need to bring it down. Get a DXA scan or some sort of scan test that can see your body fat percentage, including the visceral fat since that one is the absolute worst for testosterone as well as many other health problems. A lot of people are unaware of how much of it they have since you can’t directly see it. The ideal range for test levels is 10-15% total body fat, lower than 10% actually starts to work against testosterone. So the solution, get in the gym, build muscle, eat enough protein (really important part). The more muscle you build, the more testosterone increases, the more fat gets burned off, which corrects the estrogen/testosterone imbalance, eventually leading you to higher testosterone levels while boosting the f*ck outta greek god testosterone :sunglasses:

My Lifestyle is good. I workout. I eat pretty healthy to maintan the weight that I lost before my hormones fckd up. I am not sleep deprived. Everything outside the testosterone problems is fine. But I said in the thread that it is caused by that testoerone audio cuz before everything was just fine and my test crashed in like 2 days. It could crash from the healh problems but it would take much longer . And my bmi is normal.

And also I think I am coming to the realization that not only the testosterone fields stopped working for me. Now just nothing works. Nothing. And no its not my mindset cuz they all worked very well I just realized that they stopped working after a long time of trying to increase my testosterone and trying also fields for other thing without success

Which creators did you use?

2 weeks is not a long time for the physical field to notice anything. Some of them need months tbh.

I have a challenge for you:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN7zWZXdnbM
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHuXW57R-bQ


Every day for at least three weeks before you add anything.