High inertia systems

Asking for knowledge mostly, what causes a person to have high inertia. It takes a long time for me to start something and when I start I find it difficult to stop till I finish causing detrimental effects. What part of learning is responsible for accurately regulating this?


From what I found, it would be:

  1. The Brain’s Influence: The prefrontal cortex is key. When its activity dips, so does our motivation. Think of a student struggling to start studying - it could be due to lower activity in this brain region.

  2. Dopamine’s Role: This ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter affects our pleasure and motivation. Low levels can make activities like exercise feel less rewarding, impacting our drive to act.

  3. Hormonal Impact: Cortisol, the stress hormone, when elevated, can cause fatigue and reluctance to engage in activities. Also, conditions like hypothyroidism can sap our energy, adding to the inertia.

  4. Genetic Factors: Our genes influence how neurotransmitters and hormones work, affecting our motivation.

  5. Environmental Effects: Our surroundings, cultural norms, and upbringing shape our approach to productivity. Environments that reward effort tend to encourage more active engagement.

I would go with hormone imbalance and dopamine levels. Have you tried any fields for that?

This DM: Brain Reset could restore it to the factory settings so to speak. Does anyone in your family have the same symptoms?

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I have tried the hormone healer, nervous system balance and cortisol control; I will check out the brain reset. My mum definitely has these symptoms. I also have Hashimotos, so definitely that impacts. I am just out of recovery from a blah time of my life, so it also probably has residual effects. My environment pretty much worships constant work as religion and the only valid way of life. So it’s probably the other factors for me. Thank you for pointing me towards the right explanation and resources.

Self-care. Before anything else. Instead of looking at your flaws like inertia, focus on how you can make yourself relaxed.


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Thank you for this. It ended up easing the rib cage pain I was having for a while.

I am glad you are feeling better :blue_heart:

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