Fields Suggestions

It’s funny, because your descprition is very accurate regarding the archetypes. In some cases, people represent a combination of various types at the same type, by displaying those characteristics.

More mandalas Mai! :smiley:

A shame Sapienmed doesnt really release more on instagram, I really prefer them over audios.

Animal infusions, intercessions, theres just so many awesome possibilities with it.

Unless it also benefits others, the ideal distance would be 20cm from your aura.


@Maitreya Can I send you the information regarding some suggested fields, so that you can look into it? :slight_smile:


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Yeah, it doesn’t work well. (Sapiens). I don’t recommend it. It focuses on eradicating something that could be repaired, as proved with his anti stroke audio. I wish there was more focus in this area.

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Another great field would be a full body elastin boost, there’s a lot of focus on collagen and not on elastin which actually holds the skin in the proper position. Along with removal of any fine lines/mimic lines and so on.

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I need a banning field, where you can ban anyone who needs your home, I have tried various forms of banning, I have already paid expensive fees, spending all my money on something that did not work, I can only try a field , I really need to ban someone from my home.

NZT-48 Field;

It’s a fictional drug from the movie “Limitless”.

It works on activating the dormant receptors in the brain. Letting us access 100% of our brain cells.


-It boosts intelligence and utilization of brain potential to superhuman levels.
-More focus and the ability to remember and cross-correlate all previous memories/experiences in detail.
-Total recall

And so much more!

you can see this clip for what it does:
Limitless (2011) favorite moments - YouTube

P.S. @Maitreya Highly recommend the movie. Grab some popcorn and watch it.
And see if you can do something similar with a field


That would be awesome.
The best part is the correlation between your past experiences and the present.


Hello, What do you mean by that?
IE some relative you don’t want to live with you anymore?

I’ve been practicing meditation and other techniques which are supposed to help with lucid dreaming. So atleast I’ll be using your field(if released) if it increases the chances of lucid dreaming by even 1% lol.

But then again there might be other factors and you could be having your own reasons so i won’t say anything about your decison regarding release of that field.

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Please @Maitreya one for chronic eustachian tube dysfunction would be appreciated.



Attract people who give us huge very huge amounts of money as a gift! Like 1000000 dollars give us house & car :see_no_evil::heart:
If it possible to have it or find it but I don’t know if it possible


:roll_eyes: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: I want to thrive not only survive


She just released super intelligence audio bro, you have to check this out.


First off, thank you Maitreya for your amazing work! Second, could you make an audio that works on making you funnier, witty, charismatic, and anything else related? Thanks!

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How about something to replicate nootropics or spiritual herbs, this would help both for brain stacks and general spiritual growth, . Maybe some herbs to help achieve lucid dreaming (Mugwort, Gingko Biloba, Galantamine, Huperizine A) some for the brain/mental health (Gingko Biloba, Noopept, Bacopa Monnieri, Piracetam.) There is an endless list, but these are some good suggestions, even one’s for good health both mental and physical as well.


This isn’t a field suggestion exactly but it would be nice for regular purchasers of Maitreya fields to get a free field (in the lowest price range) after a certain amount of purchases. Like a membership rewards lol


As a combo or separately?