I do wonder, are there any whos aim is to assist us in revising the past?
We have ones for manifestations, but im sure if there was a revision one it could boost that significantly…
i felt the power of revision the other day, revising a very traumatic event for my daughter, and within minutes of the trauma she was discussing it, asking for the fine details to help her understand it… she wanted to know exactly what had happened and was completely calm about it
shes 3…
There’s the revision field, recapitulation field and ways to work with the time breaker. You don’t erase events, but the associated charge that alters the fabric.
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Thays quite embarrassing lol
Is that on youtube? Hmmm… interesting… im prepared to buy a revision one actually!
There is no erasing—there is transformation. The story can be changed, and it has happened to me many times: when I’ve worked on a particular issue within myself, afterward my loved ones ask me how the story has become completely different. And when they tell me the other version they remember, I’m very surprised and don’t recall any such thing at all.
This often happens with clients we work with, too—they completely forget everything that once was (not always, and it isn’t necessary every time, but sometimes it does occur).
If you mention something like this to a psychologist, they might decide you have a serious problem, but that’s not the case when working with the revision technique. The subconscious accepts the new story and begins operating with its knowledge, rather than with the trauma from the previous story.
This is so true…
I was told I was going to get THREE letters from my ex wifes solicitors… the third one, according to my solictor would likely be her saying i was cohercively controlling her…
i (incorrectly) told my wife i was a narcissist and she got the idea in her head that I had been emitonally abusing her… despite the fact we were simply codependents living together, and her input damaged me just as much
i revised ever telling her… i done this 4 or 5 times… and ive just received my letters and there was TWO…
life changing stuff x
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This is more of a wondering- this might cause issues in intimate relationships when both folks don’t agree on the version of events and might accuse each other of lying and/or gaslighting.
People who caused harm in the bedroom won’t use fields as they’re more likely already in denial. Even if they would, fields have blockages that prevent people from harming others.
I’ve done revision for one brutal situation because I didn’t want to remember this person this way, and it worked, but only partially. The other person holds onto guilt very much, so now I have two versions, and I can decide which one.
Perhaps I should do my revision a few times, too