Energy Increaser + Three Treasures

This audio is boosted 10x more times than super saiyan. It will increase tremendously your energy levels in all bodies, but this won’t happen from one time like a bomb in your energy system, but gently, by accumulation.The audio is also programmed to extract energy from your environment (when it is good) and if you are in a place with bad vibes to block it (shielding around you that is activated only when the environment is bad).

Cells and mitochondria will extract better energy in them and also we programmed the audio to send unconditional love from the Creator. We have also included the fields of the three treasures, which in themselves are very strong and will charge every cell of the body with energy. So you have 3 sources that will recharge you for 24 to 48 hours:

  1. Environment (when it’s good)
  2. Neutral Creator’s energy - Unconditional Love
  3. Three treasures - Jing (essence) - Qi (energy) - Shen (spirit)

Qi (氣): Qi can be understood to be an energy that activates, moves and energises the various body structures and organs. We obtain Qi from the air we breathe, from the food we eat and from the environment around us. Qi leads the blood and blood nourishes and moistens the body structures. This is why blood is known as yin and Qi as yang.

Jing (精): Jing - ‘Essence’ is Qi in its ‘stored’ from, when it is in storage for later use. When it becomes active it moves about the body’s energy channels in its active, yang state. Because of this, jing implies a developmental potential guiding the process or growth, maturation and ageing across the lifespan.

Shen (神): Shen - ‘spirit’ is another of one’s personal resources and it relates to the ability to be have cognition and self-awareness, It relates to one’s state of mind and their behaviour. In Chinese Medicine a Doctor will observe a patient’s ‘spirit brightness’ (Shen Ming) to determine the state of their health. This is interesting because here we can see how the other treasures (Qi and jing) can affect Spirit and how they interact. If a patient’s spirit is ‘dull’ they may seem down, their voice might be weak, their words slurred and behaviours inappropriate or strange. This is because the spirit does not have the support of the of the other Treasures to function optimally. Looking at the opposite situation, when one’s spirit is bright, the eyes are clear and alert, thoughts are coherent and speech fluent. This means that the other Treasures and plentiful and orderly.

This time the music is meditative and relaxing, unlike our previous style.


This one goes great with the “extract energy from quantum vacuum” audio on YouTube. Makes you feel ultra powerful. Any plans to sell that one on gumroad?


It’s uploaded, but it is with different picture:


I meant are you planning to upload this one to gumroad


Uploading it

Thanks, I just bought it

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Do you have something to say about this field?

Of course, it’s an instant energy booster, physically and mentally. Within the first 10 seconds I tend to feel supercharged and it goes up as the audio plays for a longer period of time. Even just the YouTube version is potent enough for one listen. This is an instant favorite of mine.


Wow, I never saw this one before! Crazy I missed it

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Does this field affect your sleep for people with insomnia? Can you listen to this while you sleep so that you wake up with energy and have it through the say?

this energy field can affect your sleep and prevent you from sleeping. Persiste fire audio can help you to be very motivated in the morning and the energy of the three treasures will complement it well also in the early morning.


Thank you for responding. I’ve tried the persist field in the mornings for a while and didn’t really get any results. Any fields I have achieved any results from have come from listening to them overnight on loop which you’ve confirmed I shouldn’t do with this one.
So if I don’t feel energised from listening a couple of times in the mornings before I start my day does that mean these fields aren’t for me or could the energy build up over time ( with 1-2 listens) without it affecting my sleep?


you say that in general, the fields do not work for you after several listenings, unless you loop them all night.assuming what you are saying is true, so if you listen to the tri-treasury cat all night long, you should not have results (lots of energies) until morning, in other words, if we follow this logic you can listen to the field all night long, this will not disturb your sleep, because what could disturb your sleep is too much energy, while to refuel you need to listen to a full. i suggest you try to listen to the three treasures on loop tonight and come back to tell us how it went for you overnight, and especially if you have energy in the early morning.


Thank you for your advise! I will be doing what you said and I’ll report back.


When you are listening to the field a lot of time you have changes in you and also your vibration raises. This is the reason after some time you can’t feel the field in the same way as you did started. This doesn’t mean the field stops working, it means you integrate it perfectly in your energy system.


Happens to me right after 1-2 listens lol and I’m like “bruh I don’t get high from it like I did in first listen” more like my system just devours fields…


I have that version from Patreon, but that’s too long. You said that even 10 minutes provides full results. How is that? Is then any worth of listening to it more than 10 minutes or how does it work? And if I want it shorter, at which point can I safely cut it?


When you feel like you’ve had enough. :smiley:

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Boosted version of this field:…


Hi Maitreya,

In the case with the boosted version of this field, will it provide 3 times the amount of energy during the same amount of listening time compared to free YouTube version?

Or does boosted means something else here?

Thanks in advance for clarification.