Super Saiyan - Crazy Energy Increaser / Bodybuilding Series

[Creating a topic for this field since there was none yet]

First audio from Bodybuilding Series. :slight_smile: This audio increase energy with 300 to 2000% from normal and increase in speed with 300% - physical and 30-100% mental awarness. Back and spine strengthening + added schumann resonance vibration to move through the whole body.

Boosted ver. 02 here:


will there be a problem while using this field as mandala such as overwhelmed energy levels or ovepowered uncontrollable energy.

And what to when sleeping with this mandala


This field is not available as a mandala.

Edit. I forgot that it is in the store. It was removed from Gumroad. I should’ve checked it. Sorry for that.

I wouldn’t sleep with this. I wouldn’t use it 24/7.

@Maitreya hey, since this field has schumann resonance troughout the body, it should neutralize emf, regardless it’s other benefits, correct?

The Earth’s magnetic field goes also crazy in these times I heard.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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