Hi guys,
I am currently listening the dopamine receptor audio and the brain chemicals audio, i have been addict of pornography since i was 9 and i tried all the subliminals audios on Youtube and none of them work on me.
But when i listened the dopamine receptor from maitreya fields, i felt a difference, i had more willpower and i didn’t relapse anymore yesterday.
I will post frequently my results on this topic, wish me luck guys.
Good luck Brother, I’m on the NoFap journey too- addicted to porn for about 13 years or more. I’m glad you are noticing a difference when listening to Maitreya’s dopamine receptor video- keep us updated! 
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It’s great that you want to quit porn. I too was addicted for many years. Porn ruined my life and took away many precious moments of life. Now I’m on nofap journey and it’s really worth. Also try Brahmacarya God - NoFap Semen Retention and Transmutation - that helps a lot too.
I wish you good luck. You are not alone!
Im in nofap too bro. Good luck on your journey. I personally use some trauma and emotion field to release old memory that lead me to porn when i was 10. That 2 fields are great too!
In modern society if anything is free then you’re the product.
Hi guys, thanks you for all for your support, it’s put me a smile on my face.
So first i want to say that i’m only listen to the brain chemical right now, the dopamine one is too noisy, i didn’t really like it.
Good news, i feel slightly great today and more resilient 
But something strange happen today, sometimes i feel like a liberating sensation in my head, i don’t really know what it is.
I have been listening to the file for more than 2 hours today and i am really satistied with the results. I began to feel more optimistic, calmer, my voice is deeper. I can feel joy now, really good 
I started to feel connected to people, my emotions are back ! 
The gumroad version of this is updated also right? @Maitreya
With new “stuff” to make it work better? 
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Definitely felt it with the warrior skull also (gumroad), it seemed a lot smoother.
What new stuff did she add?
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I see, definitely my erections in the last few months have been much weaker than average, I didn’t know that this audio could help with that.
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