DM: Wealth and Success - Higher Self Series

Teaching the Higher Self about Wealth

The Higher Self is a being that lives in another realm, learning and observing incarnations that gather experience and undergo various life events. The Higher Self acts as a link between the human, the soul, and God, transmitting information and the necessary programs created within the Matrix for the person to experience. It arranges where a person will reincarnate, what experiences they will have, and what they will learn.

Since this being exists in another dimension, it sometimes lacks knowledge about the places where its incarnations occur and does not have complete information about their needs. This field is created specifically to provide the necessary information, energy, and understanding of the human need for “money and wealth.” For our Higher Self, this is irrelevant because, in other dimensions, such a need—to pay in order to live, to eat, etc.—does not exist.

This field will provide the Higher Self with information about:

  • What money, wealth, and success are.

  • Why they are necessary in our dimension (there must be a valid reason for the Higher Self to accept such knowledge).

  • How they can be used individually in a person’s life so that they can move more quickly and successfully through their lessons and accumulate the experience they came for more rapidly.

  • How the Higher Self can begin to attract money, wealth, and success into the person’s life with ease, opening up opportunities and experiences for new learning and growth.

  • The Higher Self providing new settings for the body based on the new information received and offering healing on financial matters, as well as removing patterns and experiences that hinder the person.

  • How to impart information to the person through their dreams, assisting them on this and other topics for which they seek guidance.


The same mandala has been released as a poster:

This energetically programmed image has been created for use in one’s home, office, or business premises. It will influence everyone in the premises.


Definitely on my list over on Etsy…thank you !! I have recently gotten Gate opener, Have had Gate of Abundance for over a year, abundance Ornament & more recently Golden timeline for wealth
I feel that having this in poster form over my bed, would add to the wealth abundance awareness, consciousness and overall attraction to money success wealth. Even in the dream states as well !!

What say you about all of this?


I like to have items around me that emit energy - it elevates the entire space and prevents low energies from entering easily. I believe this has a positive impact on the mind, and such fields, which are for the home and office, help more people.


Is it possible to create a mandala that would turn a house/space into a place of power?

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Yes, I can think about how to generalize such a mandala and release it with a higher range.


To remove all energy outflows in the place, clear connections with geopathogenic zones, and mitigate influences if the house is in an unfavorable location.

+To ensure that everything entering this zone is cleansed of negative energies—people, animals, and objects. Essentially, to create something like a portal of life force for people, where the home becomes an automatic place of restoration for those living in this area.

PS: To add Feng Shui and Vastu harmonization to align human spaces with natural elements and cosmic energies, promoting well-being, health, and prosperity.


Not to hijack the original topic, but since we’re discussing it here, I’d like to add my suggestions from the Environment Series Suggestions thread. These suggestions are also highly relevant to the future Home version.

@Maitreya, please consider making the future Home DM have a coverage range greater than 50 meters, as the current Home Series covers just 50 meters. For example, the YouTube videos for the Home Series cover 300 meters.


Maitreya, I got the poster version of this DM, yesterday. I was ecstatic about it all… this evening ,however, that is a day and da half ,later… I AM pissed off,angry , Bothered. I see this as part of a clearing process with Me and My Higher Self, in relation to Money/Prosperity/Success and Things being Good & staying good.
Ever since I got this Poster for Wealth & Prosperity, I have felt a shift for the better. I kid you not, in my mind, MY mental & EmotionaI Self,as well as, My Body Language and the ways I Move Myself around, Physically. As in more confident, assured and related!!
Love this Poster,which is now ,hanging on my Chimney wall. ( The Chimney’s in this House run from downstairs all the way up through the bedrooms, upstairs) It may not sound like it but I AM very grateful for these Maitreya Fields I Have.
Including now, 24 Virtue Pendants. The Journey definitely continues. :slight_smile:
P.S. I AM also doing a Physical Cleanse, of which I just started also, yesterday, so that is connected as well.
Any feedback? Thank you!

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My HS made me delete three months of my work as part of clearing. Then I made more stuff, just to delete this again. I feel like I’m in boot camp, lol. Whatever I’m preparing for, it’s going to be good. I can’t see the future, but my HS knows exactly what we need to make money and serve humanity. So basically, I am not getting attached to any ideas if this is just a trial.

Follow instructions, and you will find an equilibrium between spirituality and money. It takes stuff to another level, for sure.

Thank you kindly, Polaris!!

Since we’re working though the higher self, should we add Field optimizer, if i use all 3 of the Higher Self series in a folder with MM2?
And should I add Integrate higher self and connecting to higher self mandalas also?

No need.

Yes, you can. Those fields work from different angles, so you can cover it all.


Thank you, what shield/would be appropriate for he higher self.
I easily get distracted by other people and the outside world?
I was thinking Mind Master, Mind control
Mental body detox and Autonomous self shield Geraltt or Ego detachment?


BTW on the site does it still do & take Paypal when you check out? Its been awhile, I’ve almost exclusively bought Maitreya stuff on ETSY, lately. Thank you. I’M still working with Wealth & Success ( Poster), takes time I’m shure.

Yes, PP is available

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You mean to shield your HS?

Yes and me?

Geralttt is good enough. Especially when you practice with that, you can upgrade your HS. Or ask beings from Higher Realms to assist you with that.


This is a good idea, and I’ve been considering it for some time. Maybe now that the topic is being raised, its time has come.