DM: Life Mission Navigation / Higher Self Series

This digital mandala is created to request the Higher Self of a person to guide and navigate them through their life, and to bring them back on their path if they have strayed from it (life mission).

The Higher Self will navigate the person and may change the reality around them to bring them back to their path and help them start following their true purpose.

It will assist the person with dreams and other signs to get back on track.

It will introduce them to people and lead them to events that will help them unfold their potential.

It might distance people who are not suitable for the person, especially if they have karmic ties that no longer serve them.

It will create new events and opportunities for the person to aid them on their journey.

It will heal and remove negative attachments to family, events, and people in their surroundings.

It will free the person from thought forms, promises, and vows made by their ancestors that no longer serve them.

It will complete lessons and tasks that the person has needed to finish for a long time, allowing them to move to the next level.

The field is designed to work comprehensively in all areas of a person’s life – work, mission, relationships – to update their current state by revising events, and to help the Higher Self assist them in moving to the next level in their life and the evolution of their soul.


Beautiful creations from a beautiful master. May you remain blessed. :pray:t2::cherry_blossom:


I told my HS what I wanted: three main dreams and goals. My life is upside down because my HS is cooperating like never before. Like really upside down. I’ve been working on my project for months, preparing, learning, and creating, and now everything goes to the bin. Delete. Bye bye. WE/ME start over, lol, and I do not even cry over the hard work I’ve done because now I feel like everything will look differently. I worked on my blockages and barriers with the Connector and other fields. Suddenly, success is just inevitable. I don’t even have a slight doubt. I feel aligned and loaded like a gun. Ready to shoot. My HS holds me and points exactly in the middle of the goal.

What I think about the Higher Self Series is that now it feels like we speak the same language. I used mandalas for the HS connection, communicated, surrendered, etc., but this series apparently fixed something.


Thank you very much for reviewing this! Feels very grounded. Using this I am feeling a strange sense of conviction coursing through me and the clearings are churning faster. Super excited to see how things shift. :dancer:t3:
Two weird things that happened after this: I have currently stopped using Witcher and Time breaker. Not sure what’s in store :space_invader:


The new series have something much smarter that I didn’t know before, which is why the effect feels so significant. These series are designed to restore the connection between a person and their Higher Self, and between the Higher Self and the Soul, leading to significant clearing and strengthening of this bond. I’ve recently discovered that people with entity issues, curses, and other negative influences often have blocked connections at these three levels, including the final level - God (Universal Consciousness). These mandalas provide a thorough spiritual cleansing and restoration of a person’s connection to their spiritual aspects. I’m glad to be of service.


And this is part of any mandala of this series, like the higher self healing activation mandala? Because this connection is what I am after.

Yes, on all series.

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I just bought the mandala with the help of the sale that is going on. Now how do I use it most effectively?Should I tell it my goals, like @Polaris did? I hope to receive more guidance from my higher self especially since I also have the fields “art of communication” and “connection with higher self”.

You can open the mandala and clear your mind for a few moments. Just watch at the picture and set the intention that your communication is perfect, restored and you understand all the messages clearly. If you feel drawn to any sort of visualization, then follow this.


Thank you Polaris for your suggestion. I had many ideas come up today, mostly things I have been doing in the past, which I have neglegted lately. Curious to see how this will develop. The other question since I have this field how beneficial is the field for higher self regarding wealth, since this field should also work on finances?

It might, but I had an amazing experience with DM: Wealth and Success - Higher Self Series. It was something I didn’t have with any field. My Higher Self flooded me with ideas of how I could make money in a way that would satisfy us both, to the point that I got overloaded. The excitement and possibilities were too much for my small human brain, lol.


Thank you, @Polaris. If I remember correctly I was you, who let her higher self control the subconscious connector.So I am thinking about whether use the input I may receive from the mandalas and then use the RN, or RS consciously or has anybody tested to give the control over to the higher self, to make the changes directly so to speak, could be a wild ride, if it works :slight_smile:

I allowed my HS to shift to the best reality, and I didn’t interfere. I had many valuable lessons that now make sense.
I also used this field when I struggled to communicate with someone I really cared about. We spoke the same language, but I couldn’t understand what he wanted from me. So I asked my HS, “Help me to understand him.” A few moments later, I felt like something finally unblocked me, and shocking clarity came. If I had known this before, it would have saved us almost two years of misunderstanding. So it is also good for small tasks and relationships.