DM: Higher Self Healing Activation

This digital mandala is created with a prayer to the Higher Self to provide the person with the energy and physical healing they need at a given moment. It should be activated in meditation, and then it will continue to work. The digital mandala is designed to remember the information and energy that the Higher Self will send to the person, activating their healing abilities, and it will keep working until the person feels perfectly well.

Sit with the digital mandala in meditation, giving yourself time to relax and feel its energy. It will automatically connect you to your Higher Self.
Talk about the problem you have—physical, emotional, or mental. Take time to mention all aspects that come to mind.
State that you wish the Higher Self to fix this.
Come out of the meditation.

It can be used multiple times for different issues.


Some time ago, I bought the “connection with higher self mandala” +art of communication,because I want to connect with my higher self and be able to communicate with it. So my question is, weather these newer fields are then needed, or can the same be acbieved by asking the higher self directly.

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I need to ask a question.
Do I have to tell about my problems in voice or I may just think about them or say about them to myself without voice? In English or in my native language?
Do I have to carry this DM with me after speaking to my HS?
Thank you

You don’t need it if you feel you don’t. So ask yourself.
I thought I had good communication with my HS, but this field feels like I have a special hotline. It feels like a language downloader, but in this case, my HS downloaded mine.

You can think or even visualise. Can be in your own language. Yes, carry the mandala until you see the results you want.


Hey, this field seems to be much needed for me. Since I’m trying to connect for years and had never the feeling of being succesful with this.
@Maitreya you mentioned that the higher self is the antenna and sender of information from the source, shouls this help me to get the Information from the blueprint of soul field?
And also, I would talk to the field like a doctor? Talking about my problems and symptoms and it will heal them and it’s cause?
I don’t know if you remember, but we had some email contact about a relationship problem, can I let my higher self heal my behavior pattern/childhood issue?
And we use fields for solving problems. Can we state that we want to fix, what stops field xy from woeking properly?

Thanks in advance, if so this field is it!

Yes to all of that. Simply open the mandala/ or focus on that, and say to the field what you want your HS to help you with. I think would be good to start with one intention. Then wait for HS to respond to that.

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Great! Can the higher self deny my helpwish and do i need to feel the energy as stated in description? Thanks again

Will this DM Item be in “Poster” Form soon or sometime this Year!! ?
I got the Higher Self: Wealth & Success Poster today and absolutely Love it ,Love it, Love it!! Amazing Fields, to say da least:-)

Your HS is you. If you knew that driving this road you decided to go would involve you in a lethal car crash, would you allow yourself to go there?
No need to feel energy.

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I see, if I am not getting the wanted results I will be able to ask for clarity, what i need to feel better/solve with topic xy right?
And with speaking with the field, i use my own language correct? I often speak in metaphors with myself like I feel like a dog in a cave and wish for feeling free and unconditionally accepted, it will understand what I’m looking for? Sorry for all the questions :see_no_evil:

It’s okay to use your own language. Your HS is you and will understand concepts as well. It’s like you talk to yourself but to more advanced version who is not trapped in the body. This series fixes the communication issues very well because misunderstandings are often on our end.

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Thank you!! One last question, will the mandala save multiple approaches or one by one?
I know firstly doing with one problem but later on, i mean.

Have a nice day all!

Yes, you can use it for multiple problems. Some responses are very fast. I had to say goodbye to my 11yrs old dog, and my heart was devastated. I couldn’t stop crying. I asked my HS to take this pain away. It was almost instant. My HS also instructed me to be grateful for every moment I had with my dog instead of missing her in my life. Because pain comes back but now I can consciously transform it. And I would never have thought to use Emotional Replacer to replace grief with gratitude. Because I tried to replace it with peace, and I still cried.
So, your HS will find the best solution for you that serves your growth and what you should learn from that.

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Absolutely great! Thank you :slight_smile: