DM: Wealth and Success - Higher Self Series

I have the poster version of this from the Etsy store. Do I talk to the Poster ( Field) during My waking hours? Before bed,ask it to help me in the dream states?
I Plan on getting the Fohat- FoFire Pendant on Etsy, in Early September… would that help me with these goals along with the Wealth & Success Poster?

Talking to poster is good habit. This is active work with field and can bring plenty of benefits.

Follow your intuition :slight_smile:

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Polaris, Thank you soooooo much!! I really appreciate it. In 4 week, I’m getting Fohat - FoFire , Remove Negativity & the Parental Love ,
3 pendants, as well as , Unconditional Love Ornament & Hopefully Raising Positive Vibes ornament too!!



In terms of wealth/ more income.

is there any more benefit adding Right Decision and Gate opener with this field ??

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I would say yes, if you feel drawn to it.

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I Already Have the Poster Version of Wealth & Success, of which I Love, along with Pendants = Gate Opener, Gate of Abundance, Golden Timeline for Wealth, as of July & Before, also got Abundance, Unconditional Love and Remove negative energies from the Home, those 3 Ornaments.
I just received via DHL delivery service My 3 pendant. Thank goodness they finally arrived. Shipping was fine all the way from Bulgaria , Germany, France, Atlanta, Georgia until it reached DHL’s central hub in My state. Argh. But I got them , sooo I’m thankful. Understatement. Included in the mix we’re Fohat-Fofire, Removing Negative energy from the body & Aura & Parental Love,all 3 pendants. I’ve arranged them on one of my neck-straps,upon placing them on me, I felt almost immediate peace & calm,thats no small feat , considering the day I’ve had as such. This kind of peace has continued. I’d already asked for certain things to be removed from me and my subconscious mind, limitations , blocks, etc. There is a quiet empowerment, a flowingness to this that is quite impressive. Understatement. I also purchased 2 Ornaments with this order . Unconditional Love & Raise positive Vibes in your home( I carry it in my pocket) they too are working well. So thankful and at ease. The journey continues.