DM: The Field Emitter (Digital Mandala Manager)

I wonder… although this mandala makes it possible to carry near-infinite audios/mandalas/etc and benefit from them at optimal times (whenever the higher self deems appropriate,) is it still best to carry less on the drive so that the Emitter has less to ‘choose’ from at any given moment?

I don’t know how many things are activated at once and I wouldn’t want certain audios/mandalas to end up ‘neglected’/not really activated as often.


As far as I understand, you can manually activate and deactivate specific data on the usb/sd card, and it’s not like the field optimizer where your higher self chooses the most appropriate ones to activate for you at the time. So you are free to activate everything you have on your storage device or just activate specific ones as you like.


Sorry, yes, the Field Optimizer - I was thinking about that one since I’m using it in conjunction and the impression I’m getting is that it’s practically a must.


What is the name if Philip’s similar tool?

it’s a long title… Convert Any Files To Audio Talisman Version 2 up to M30x


Great thanks :handshake:

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when you download this DM from, you will necessarily store it in digital memory. whether you use it or not, you necessarily have to store it on a digital memory, that of your computer, your phone or a USB key where you store several of your this moment, this DM will broadcast any file on memory!for example, personally i saved this DM on my laptop which I use for everything and which has hundreds of files and computer program, how does this DM , when stored on laptop or phone?!


got an idea

If this broadcast ALL files in the ssd/hdd/microsd/usb drive/internal storage of phones even if separated by folders, one way to back the file is send this as attachment to email

or… an update for the mandala that it will only work with the files in the same folder would be nice


How well does it work for you?
Does a mandala or an audio field feel as strong as if they were used without this emitter? Thank you.

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OK , this is my list i think i will notice if my lashes get any longer & if i feel people accept me more :laughing:


Can this mandala be used on the same drive as the audiotalisman converter? I think it would boost effects even more…


Hm, it seems to me that some people forget that all the fields are only 15 cm emmited from the device as far as I understand the description correctly.

A cell phone must always be within 15 cm if you want to benefit from the mandala. You can have this mandala on your laptop or PC, but you will not benefit from it because you are out of reach. As far as I understand.


yes it works well for me.I believe that the fields are as powerful as if they were used in the DM emitter, because this DM is only content to diffuse their energy, it neither increases nor reduces it.

In practical experience with this DM, for me it’s hard to say, it’s as if the energies were very well assimilated by me, so that they are almost imperseptible.


Everyone worried about files throughout your phone, computer, memory stick, etc

It’s fine, don’t worry. Even if you have fields in other folders, nothing will work on you unless you consciously activate them. For example, if you have a bunch of subliminals on your storage that you don’t want the Emitter to put on you, as long as you don’t consciously activate them, it’s not going to affect you.

If there wasn’t a protection in place already, I’m sure many of you put at least 50 fields in your designated folders and if all fields activated at once, your energy body would be fried by now lol. I have almost 200 fields in my Mandala Manager, if all fields activated at once, I’d be dead by now, but I’m still here!!

Don’t worry everyone, this is safe, you’re all getting worried about something that isn’t true.


You need to be conscious of what fields you activate and stop them after a short time.

if you have the Field Optimizer, your higher self will turn then off if you forget. I have turned on fields like Androgen Receptor [Sapien] and realized an hour later that l forgot to turn it off, but nothing negative happened so l’m sure my HS turned it off for me

You can test it out if you like. I didn’t buy the Emitter or else I would.

My thinking is that it wouldn’t be safe to do this as Filip’s tool doesn’t have the activate and deactivate feature, so every thing you put in the folder will broadcast to you 24/7. Putting all your fields in that folder would be dangerous.

BUUUT what you could do, is place only the Emitter field in that folder along with the ConvertAnyFileToATv2 Spherical, then put your fields in a separate folder [ahhh see, this ability comes in handy!!]. Now you can activate all your fields even if the storage device is further than 15cm from your body.


Well, it would be helpful to have the Field Optimizer Mandala. Or you have to explicitly activate and deactivate these fields for physical changes.


All I was planning to do was have small amounts of files at a time on the drive, so it should be fine I think



Subliminal video has on-screen affirmations, images, and audible affirmations.

I am also doing experiments.

I removed FIELD OPTIMIZER because I think my HIGHER SELF DOES NOT LIKE the audios and mandalas of ATTRACTING WOMEN HAHAHA. I never felt it.:smiley::smiley::smiley:


I think the Field Emitter probably should have in the description - Advised to also buy the Field Optismer. So it’s all taken care of (not having them all activate at once)

Either way… I have both. I still throughout times during the day when I think of something - I ask it to activate a particular mandala or activate an audio OR any audio it thinks will be beneficial for whatever outcome I want to achieve.

I have 100’s of audios on my USB stick. So my higher self can pick whatever it wants.

Something I have learnt through many years of putting people under hypnosis - what you think you need is totally different to what you actually need. “The problem is never the problem” it’s usually something uncorrelated, something you would never have thought of (hence why it’s still a problem)


That’s a hard question.
Some people can handle 5-6 mandalas and others are using 20.
This depends on your energy sensitivity and energetical system.