The Butterfly Effect is the idea that every action, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can completely alter the direction of one’s life and the things that happen in the future. Every choice and decision you make ultimately affects every aspect of your life - whether it is a week, month, or years in the future. Every action you do now can determine the people you meet, the opportunities you’re given, and even future jobs, events, and relationships.
What this field does is align all of your actions, now, with the best possible actions that will lead to the manifestation of your desires and the achievement of your goals. It does this by working with your subconscious mind and higher self to gently guide you to take the best actions and make the best decisions so that everything will ultimately work out in your favor.
These may often be small actions, that seem insignificant - such as taking a different route on your way to work or getting coffee from a different coffee shop you don’t usually go to. You will be subconsciously guided to take the best possible actions, which will lead to the fastest possible accomplishment of your goals and manifestation of your desires - whether that’s getting a job promotion, finding your soul mate, or anything else that you want to achieve.
The butterfly effect is the opposite of time collapse? A change in the present through the influence of the energy of the past, and a result of focusing on the future in turn affect when our choices develop as expected? Is that the understanding?
In a sense you could see this as a “most optimal timeline” field, because it helps you to take the best possible actions, in every moment, that will put you on track to manifesting your goals and desires. It doesn’t necessarily focus on changing the past or the future, but rather, it focuses on helping you to make the best possible actions in the present moment.
People think that the Higher Self is like a different being or consciousness from yourself, when it is literally still you, but simply the higher version of yourself that has all the memories and experience of every life and moment you’ve ever lived and experienced. This field and any field that works with the higher self will work with your own goals and desires, and will work on bringing those things to you, the only time it wouldn’t is if those things would ultimately bring you suffering or make your life worse. You should ask yourself, what goals do you have, that you have to ask if your higher self would allow those things or not? If these are goals that wouldn’t result in the greatest and best life possible, why are you choosing those goals in the first place? Why limit yourself, instead of opening up to the possibility of having something even better? So basically… this field will work to bring you the best possible outcome in relation to your goals and intentions. So if there is an even “better” version of your goal and desire, it will bring you that - whatever will ultimately result in the most happiness and enjoyment for you.
Higher Purpose works with your actual purpose and soul mission, and gives you guidance towards that, while Butterfly Effect works with your own personal goals and desires, and gives you guidance towards those things (the best version of them). Also, Higher Purpose has a focus on guiding you to do “the right thing”, and leading you away from ego-based desires, and goals that are simply focused on greed and lack. It helps you to develop a mental focus on your life purpose and soul mission, rather than material goals. So if your life purpose is to help others, it will give you what you need to fulfill that. If your life purpose is to develop/evolve spiritually, it will help you with that. While the Butterfly Effect will focus on guiding you towards any goals, even material goals (regardless of what your specific soul mission may be) but still brings you the best version of those things. Lastly, the way they work is quite different. Higher Purpose gives you mental/conscious and subconscious guidance towards your life purpose, while Butterfly Effect guides you to take every possible action/choice/decision that will ultimately lead you to manifesting your goals and desires.
After only couple hours my comportement is « different » like, I do what I like but…With more synchronicity lol idk how to explain. I just behave « better » but the same at the same time. Really subtle but rlly efficient. And at this price…Please wtf its so cheap
I absolutely Love love the Butteryfly effect,I Have it and run it with several including Energetic Life Coach ,Violet Flame, The FInder, Innate Trust in God and The Field Intergated Primer ( I Just call it THE PRIMER) I Love the combo. I used them a LOT. I have only had them for a week now… the journey gets stronger. I swear the more you use these DM’s, the clearer and stronger you get the SFA !! ( the sh*ts F-en Amazing)