DM: Energetic Life Coach

This field helps improve every area of your life by helping you find solutions to any problem/issue in your life, while also releasing negative beliefs and subconscious blockages that are causing those problems, and while working on an energetic level to clear any negative interference/suppressive energies. This field is like a telepathic life coach that has the ability to help you realize clearly, exactly what you need to do, to achieve your goals. If you have been feeling “stuck” in life, this field can greatly help you break free.

The areas of your life that this field can help improve includes:

Relationship problems

Addictions and compulsive behavior

Loneliness or loss of a loved one

Feeling stalled/held back in your job, career, etc

Feeling depression, anxiety, etc

This field works in three ways:

It identifies the exact causes of your stress, problems, and anything in your life that is stopping you from achieving your goals - on a conscious, subconscious, and energetic level. It determines what will make the greatest positive change and prioritizes that.

It gives you the best solutions for those problems - you will start to know, “hear” or “see” the solutions for those problems; you will realize exactly what needs to be done (the fastest, easiest, and most effortless solutions)

It starts working on your behalf, clearing all conscious, subconscious, and energetic limitations, blockages, and interference - while also increasing your ability to find solutions, and increasing your inner strength, vitality, and confidence to take action.


Wow, this sounds interesting…


Thank you very very much for this. I so much need it :heart:


Designed this one :slight_smile:


Thanks for design it, one question, what are the main differences with the finder mandala? Seems quite similar in terms to find solutions.

Edit: also other question comes to my mind, it can work as a coach without needing to ask the mandala each time for a solution? For example, it can keep you sending motivations to your goals automatically until the goal has finished?


The finder may work for you, for finding specific solutions, if you already know exactly what you want the solution for. However, this field automatically prioritizes the main issues/blockages you have in life - depending on your overall goals, and helps you realize the solutions to those problems. At the same time, it clears all subconscious and energetic limitations/blockages that are keeping you from achieving those goals.


Thanks, seems really interesting to try out


This looks very good, Sigh has one life coach audio but this seems to have way more benefits.


Sigh’s Life Coach seems to focus mostly on improving communication and emotional control, and it does say it helps with motivation as well - but overall it’s quite different from this one (I use both)


What I noticed with this one is centered primarily around how it helped me navigate the use of Helm of Awe DM. That’s just because I’ve only been using them for a little while and I started them together. Hopefully before long I’ll be able to add some details to this review that are not centered so much only around the effects of HoA DM.

As I interacted with others at first I had an inner monologue instructing me on how to respect others and their space without disrespecting myself and my space. That went well. Because otherwise, there was just a ton of new confidence from HoA to adjust to.

Then it became more intuitive and I didn’t exactly need the verbal coaching. I found girls showing interest in conversation but seeming intimidated at the same time. I automatically found myself being more confident from HoA but then when I saw signs of intimidation I found myself automatically showing just the right amount of kindness (thanks to LC I believe). This is key because too much or too little kindness can easily lose all of a woman’s interest. Stuck up and nice guy both end up on the no fly list.

You can see the parallels in how my interactions went with both sexes. Finding just the right amount of things is key. It’s always been tricky for me because my iq is too high. People seem like aliens to me. This made those hard to find sweet spots with people and social interactions much easier to see and much more natural to intuitively operate within.


Is -Raising Children- included in this ??


Energetic Life Coach helps in all areas of life? Or just the following?

" The areas of your life that this field can help improve includes:

Relationship problems

Addictions and compulsive behavior

Loneliness or loss of a loved one

Feeling stalled/held back in your job, career, etc

Feeling depression, anxiety, etc".

I want to buy it but I need to know if it helps with anything I need. Thanks.



Those are just a few examples. It will work on any areas and you can use intention for whichever areas you want it to focus on.


Is it necessary to have a strong connection with my higher self? If not, it doesn’t work?

If I just carry it with me, does it work automatically?

Do you prioritize the areas most important to him?



if higher self is the one being the life coach, maitreya will include that in the description just like the field optimizer

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Having this, no need for Subconscious Beliefs Clearing mandala right ? :slight_smile:

They will work well together.


Got it, thank you!!!

New experiences with this mandala ?.

Can the mandala determine in which area I need help? Or do I have to tell you what I need help with?

For example: “I want to attract a pretty girl”.
How would you help me?

I want the Halloween discount.

Thank you.


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I didn’t try it that way for anything specific or for women. As for an update I can say it made me tend to act like a life coach coming up with plans and solutions for other people to live dreams they had given up on. Turned out they’d really rather not.

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