DM: Remove Religious Deception

This field has been designed to remove all oaths and vows given to any religion in this life and other lifetimes. It includes oaths of poverty, chastity, obedience, ascetic vows, celibacy, childlessness, serving the souls/sentient beings in Samsara/The Matrix forever, Bodhisattva vows, monastic vows, oaths given to a master, guru, lama, priests and priestesses, deity, spirits, daemons, entities, extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional beings posing as God or as gods.

The field will cancel and remove wrong and limiting beliefs, that suppress the person and limit their ability to achieve their full potential. Only beliefs that are correct according to the Divine Law of Truth and are for a personā€™s highest benefit from the Divine perspective are left.

The field will give you back the whole energy you gave to various religions, spiritual teachings and practices, including cults and orders that did not serve you and was not for your highest good, be it from this lifetime or other lifetimes.

Feelings of shame, guilt and fear associated and stemming from religious and spiritual understanding will be released and replaced with the highest Divine perspective of the situation.


Yes! And in religions have a lot of strong vows and other things related to poverty and donā€™t own any material things.


Ok. Clear.


And I guess those oaths and vows etc. will block your spiritual grow?

There are vows that can hinder your growth, cause you to be alone without a partner in another life (celibacy), leave you without money, and other vows that do not serve the individual, but are instead made for control and other purposes.

For example, a vow given to a specific religion can close a personā€™s perspective and consciousness to the unity of all people, creatures, and the entire Universe. In addition, it can bring many other unpleasant changes, such as hatred towards people of other religions, division, and many other examples.


This is very important, I hope this will clear ancestral oaths that created blockage/curse.

In Hinduism belief, there is concept of Pitru Dosha/Ancesteral Curse, that be passed to next heir through astrological formation of suffering and poverty. It happens when in the lineage, proper rituals and honoring is not done to the elders or passed ones. It also happens, when ancestors take any oath or promises to Demi-God/Goddess for any of their wish granting and failure of it, get carried as curse from such things.

In some cases, the next heir isnā€™t even aware of ancestral deity and the vows done which affect whole lineage. This automatically leads to isolation, loneliness, poverty, losses, like carrier of entire being/ancestral sinsā€¦

This isnā€™t anything negative, there are many who do it rightly, who have better carried forward practices and are happily living. Nothing against religious views.

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I hope this will clear ancestral oaths that created blockage/curse.

Does it also clean this?

Using it 9 days. No results.

This is something related to very deep and its effect will take time to be noticed.

This means lot, and should include of ancestral too (Other lifetimes)

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Thanks for your message. It makes sense what you say. I invoke a little more patience.

And just received a messageā€¦ I must give the mandala permission to start performing this work. So, I gonna do that.

I will keep you informed.

Thanks again.

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Yes, That will be great. Also, You can practice to increase your sensitivity with booster. It will help to feel the energy with you.

You re welcome.


I also use the field booster mandala and quantum booster mandala.

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How are your results? :slight_smile:

I was raised in the Catholic faith. My entire family, previous generations too. A few years ago I stopped going to church. I just felt that something was wrong. For me, the history of the church and its ideology has too many red flags. I gave myself a few years to make a decision. It is not for me. I am writing this message partly for myself. I treat it as making a decision. Today I am very ready.

I personally and officially declare that I consciously and with full responsibility, resign and reject the Catholic faith, being Catholic and live like Catholic. From now I am not a Catholic, I am not belong to the Catholic Church and I am not member of Catholic Church. I am free. It is done.

I would also like to ask.
Is my declaration that I wrote above and using this field enough, or do I have to make an official apostasy process?

Is it enough if I use this field to cleanse only myself of this burden? Should I also cleanse my family and generations back?

What about the sacraments, will this field also cancel and cleanse these rituals?

I wrote to the Vatican, a formal letter to inform them that I revoked all sacraments and that my soul no longer belongs to this religion. I didnā€™t bother with an official apostasy. I knew exactly when they opened the letter. Of course, they wonā€™t update details because they get money for each person assigned to the church. It was before I started using fields, and it felt so good for me.

This field should work the same. You can still write a letter if you feel the need or you can use mandala and read this aloud. I recommend to keep this field with you for a little longer.

Religion is a personal choice, and it should be respected even when you donā€™t agree with it. You can clear your ancestral line from entities and contracts that are harmful using this field DM: Ancestral Line Clearing

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Could I ask how you revoked these sacraments? Did you do it yourself or did someone help you?

Iā€™m trying to learn to trust myself. And I feel like I want this field. Veryā€¦

The letter did the job. I informed the Pope that I revoked it and it was enough, but I used this field to remove remnants in my subconscious. My family is very religious, and they tried to convince me to come back. My mum still has problems sometimes. Mostly deep-seated fear.

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@Polaris Thank you. :heart:

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