NFT: Remove Religious Deception

Remove Religious Deception

This field has been designed to remove all oaths and vows given to any religion in this life and other lifetimes. It includes oaths of poverty, chastity, obedience, ascetic vows, celibacy, childlessness, serving the souls/sentient beings in Samsara/The Matrix forever, Bodhisattva vows, monastic vows, oaths given to a master, guru, lama, priests and priestesses, deity, spirits, daemons, entities, extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional beings posing as God or as gods.

The field will cancel and remove wrong and limiting beliefs, that suppress the person and limit their ability to achieve their full potential. Only beliefs that are correct according to the Divine Law of Truth and are for a person’s highest benefit from the Divine perspective are left.

The field will give you back the whole energy you gave to various religions, spiritual teachings and practices, including cults and orders that did not serve you and was not for your highest good, be it from this lifetime or other lifetimes.

Feelings of shame, guilt and fear associated and stemming from religious and spiritual understanding will be released and replaced with the highest Divine perspective of the situation.



light space GIF by Lumi

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