DM: Mind Control

I didn’t mind your answer but I couldn’t tell if it answered my original question. Thanks for the info though.

Your answer is no. It’s made for conceptual mainly. BUT if you’re trying to develop telekinesis then it will help the process.

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I guess you could put the mandalas in a category with dog tags. They also work on time.
So whoever thinks that after a few hours in your pocket can work wonders will be disappointed. Although I have to say the Chameleon Mandala had its effect right away.


I like it because its more passive and 24/7


So far, how is this mandala guys and gurls?

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I notice being able to shut down negative thoughts with ease and speed. And they surprisingly don’t just come right back as usual.

Experienced unusual insight coming to me while I was falling asleep. Like my deep subconscious was able to get a message through to me about how to perceive things in a more helpful way.

Had vivid and wild dreams while sleeping with this mandala.

No reading minds yet. Whether that’s coming down the line or not it’s too early to tell.

Awareness seems very anchored to within me or to my subconscious. Just may pull some users towards the introvert side of the spectrum. If anyone finds this to be the case, Grounding seems like it may be a good counterbalance to this effect, and Strategist even more so. Again, it’s early, so these are not strongly held opinions, rather they are my first glimpses into how these things may work.


So far what you wrote it seems exceptional! I am getting excited :grin: Just in this moment I am printing out The Strategist and Home series before I make digital photos.

Have you bought The Fearless Mandala?


No, not that one. I’d love to hear what it does for you though.

Oh didn’t knew it was cancel i said always stop but i think this shouldn’t matter.

This effect is clearly noticable and unwanted recycling toughts dont appear anymore…

My combination so far on sapiens magi pendant (paired with ascension) is:

  • ego detachment
  • subcon. belief remover
  • mind control
  • fearlessnes

Becoming “the watcher” or the ever silent present observer seems enhanced, better flow state, more clearer observation of toughts and feel some good brain activation up there.


Does this combination with awaken god pt2 work together or will they clash? (also using the concentration focus mandala as wallpaper)


I didn’t even have to use the Cancel word. Just a slight No and it was done.


I guess intention matters, not the word.

I’m wondering how it exactly it works? Like when it appears and you use the intention does get the gap get filled/repaired?

It seemed that way, to be just a tiny bit of intention or will that was enough.

I didn’t think of it as creating a gap. It’s like when you’re walking across a large rug. And thinking the thoughts you choose to is taking one more step across the rug. An undesired thought is like a bubble or wrinkles popping up on the rug. Then you say No or Cancel or just will it away and the rug smooths out flat again so you can use it.


I know it’s only been a few days but what has your experience been with this one?

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Hmm i would say my breathing improved and i feel less emotional (which is good) and less attached from the world.

Emotion comes from your astralbody that shows up in sympathy and antipathy, compassion comes from you higher self where you feel a more constant coherent connection at a deeper level and it seems to strengthen that.

But, i’m using that combination since yesterday it also could be a mix with ego detachment etc…


This field is enlightenment btw.

Enjoy the pain muahaha

“my whole life was a lie!!!”


is there anyway to extend the AoE to more than 5cm? Im thinking of teaching it to my servitor and wear it that way…
does it also work as a desktop screen saver

Wouldn’t the ego detachment mandala be more of an enlightenment field than this?

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Ego diss is the classic stoner/drugs “realization”.

But its still a human realization aka flawed.

Understanding concepts and conscious higher self connection will allow you to really dig deeper to the fine details of creation.

Its actually really depressing, makes you ask the good ol “why”…?

And truly, why?

Why does the void give birth to universes with a consciousness, which further creates servitors (us) with free will so it can learn and expand?

Lets say it has learned, then what?

Individual expansion to become your own source of creation?

Sure , but why?

To simply “experience”…?

That means there are beings in the void creating/wanting experiences.

But then, who created them? And why?

Did they always exist and creation doesnt work the same way we think in the void?

A universe from nothing?


Theres truly no answer to the why.

Which means fuck all if you think about it lol


Enlightenment from the original sense from the Buddha was to be unburdened, made more light-weight because a burden was removed, rather than the newer idea some have of being filled with light.

I find some lessening of burden when I (my ego) claims less responsibility or power over things and recognizes that it (The “I”) is a small cog within a greater machine of subconscious, superconscious, and archetypes. ie That it needs to submit to the greater powers within and stop trying to always have its way.

But I also feel less of a burden when I am in control of my own thoughts. Here Mind Control and Empathic Shielding shine. When interacting with someone you’ve met and known for a total of 5 seconds, you may notice that they try to talk to you as if they know what kind of person you are, just by looking at you. They want to tell you who you are. They want to control your mind.

When you aren’t swayed by their opinion, you don’t get angry because you feel no belief in what they are saying, and therefore you feel no need to fight against it. Then watch their reaction when they see that you are the authority on who you are. Even when you’re being as courteous as possible to them, so they’re not reacting to you being a jerk. See their reaction to you being free.


Exactly why every spiritual man should use permanent results integrator and warrior skull.

Chad face, added glamour, masculine expression.

Then you can focus on your spiritual gainz while the fools mire the face.