DM: Mind Control

Of course it is. It just can be easily misunderstood. Ego detachment is more passive where you dissolve all that which is not you (part of every path to enlightenment, reaching samadhi, becoming your higher self etc…). If you just stay in your comfortzone then indeed it can be a “fake” bliss state. As always, it depends on the user if you know what she/he is doing. On a certain level you better learn how to let go or you gonna create a lot of friction.

On mindcontrol you start to use your ego instead being used from him, it’s the active part.


This isn’t just good for Cancelling or saying No to thoughts. Try saying Yes or committing to a belief, thought or way of thinking and see what happens.

With the psychic connections, you can discover what you need to change. With the control aspect, you can change it with a decision.


Got this simply for the Cancel command, Pure gold


I see this stimulates brain areas for growth for psychic abilities. Would this clash with the IPF tag from Sapien? I assume not, pretty sure it doesn’t but thought I’d ask anyhow.

This mandala would be complementary with IPF.


Do all the mandalas work without you touching it or being conscious of it. like putting it under the pillow or something and forgetting about, because I feel the energy strongly when I focus on it but not so much otherwise

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you don’t need to focus to get results,
when you are focusing to something it’s normal to feel more it’s effect on you


Any updates from people who has been using this mandala? :slight_smile:

All the power in the world.


(potentially, heh, still gotta utilize it)


Can read faces now like Dr. Lightman on Lie to Me. After about 3 weeks of 24/7 wearing.


What that character does and what’s his ability?
Can you elaborate?

Oh… My bad. Assumings. He’s a human lie detector just by watching someone’s face. There is a real science behind it, in Dr Ekman’s books. The tv show character is based on that real life author and trainer of law enforcement.

If anyone tries to play games with your head, you’ll see straight through them. Seeing exactly what they’re thinking and up to. Not mind reading like pick a number from 1 to 10. But a very practical and useful form of mindreading nonetheless.

If you get to this point, my advice: keep a poker face. They’re counting on you being as blind to them as everyone else has been. Why become a target?


So I had something emotionally hit me pretty hard today and I cancelcancelcancel’d the crap out of it when I remembered this feature of the mandala and it worked.



I can’t change my thinking patterns even with the mind control mandala, any tips?

I’ve used most of these, I’ve jumped from one audio to another in the hope of solving my problem and none really work, I’m thinking that it doesn’t work for me anymore, maybe the only hope is an audio to erase all memories from the brain lol, as someone has already suggested here, maybe so I could have a new start, otherwise: [MEME SOURCE] Kratos jumps off cliff - DUSK TILL DAWN - YouTube


Epsilon is your friend.

I remember a few months ago I used sapiens epsilon one while holding the printed higher self mandala.

Usually my ego resists but that one time I went into a ridiculously deep trance,

When I “came back”, I had issues just thinking for the next hour or so.

If you manage to actually enter a very deep epsilon state, you will be able to do instant rewriting subconsciously.

So lets say you wore subconscious limits mandala but it didnt work for weeks,

If you enter a deep epsilon state with that mandala you could purge out a lot of stuff nearly instantly.

Not easy tho because ego might resist hard, but if you keep listening to epsilon and close your eyes it should eventually put you “out”.

But its best to sit in lotus position so you dont fall asleep for hours or something, so you can “come back” easier.

It might be uncomfortable when youre “back”, like not knowing who you are or where you are, because the subconscious starts rewriting everything to match the “new” software.

So instead of waiting for weeks until it slowly changes patterns, might aswell go full yogi.

Enjoy merging with the universe when youre in deep epsilon, if you can remember that is :wink:


I will try.

If you can think or visualize youre not in epsilon, remember that.

Incase you come back with a “its not working”.


Absolute no sense of self is Epsilon, no thoughts, no emotions, nothing.


Was just reading about that mandala :nerd_face:

So you recommend :+1:

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I think Sapiens audio works slightly better than the mandala.

The mandala is more gentle in this case, slowly builds up.