DM: Dimensional Being

This mandala is made to connect you easily with your other dimensional selves. It works with activation and needs to be activated in a meditative state at first. After you get connected with yourself in other dimensions once, you can easily connect with it later without being in meditation. This way you can understand a lot more for your true self and also download many knowledge that is not available on 3D in any book or other informational source.


@Maitreya this is ONLY for communications right?

Can we connect with ourself in past? Can we use picture of ourself for that purpose?

Since the world is multidimensional reality and we exist in milions of possibilities, we need to meditate and visualise ourself?

I believe this mandala to be very important and would like to know more about it



This would go great with this:


What did you buy? :smiley:

I can’t decide :joy:

Nothing yet! But I want it so bad
I’ll save up

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The content is awsome, we are going higher dimensions! :100:

We have Higher Self, Multidimensional… :drooling_face: Mind bending fields :nerd_face:

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You can , as the “past” doen’t exist… Everything is happening right here and right now. The time is not linear.

Nom you are not creating this with your mind. The thing you should do is relax and stop the thinking… then you will make “connection” - not “imagination”. This way you can find much stuff for yourself and also things that you can’t find as information here on this planet.



@Maitreya i wonder “how many” dimensional self can we connect we can connect to our “past” and “future” self right because it do not exist.Is our dimensional self is our higher self?

when we communicate can we say hello to them?talk to them?ask them any question?

about the download information can we choose what to download?let say we want to download information about us in the “future”…can we do that?


Correct me if I am wrong, but something similar happens on ayahuasca ceremony.

What I know, on aya ceremonies people get to experience multidimensional selfs and recive understanding and information which cleanses them and it brings them closer to higher self. Her comes now mandala Higher purpose… Right?

Once you are connected to other multi selfs you become radiant with energy and you experience flow in life.
Also it enabels you to tap in you subconscious and download information to consciousness easily. Here comes madala The Art of Utilization. You become confident, peaceful, strong.

Wow, you have made it all. These three compliment each other.



I remember when I was like that.

Pure power

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her higher self mandala would not communicate with us.Instead they will direct our reality according what is BEST for us because only them know about us.This is a no brainer mandala.This is for people who do not know what to do or do not have purpose in their life.

but the multidimensional mandala is ONLY for communication.If this mandala can only communicate with our “higher self”.Than it will be perfect combo with her “higher self’ mandala.we can ask our higher self why they did what they did when they choose whats best for us from " higher self” mandala.


That’s the idea. Again, past and future doesn’t exist as people know them. You can communicate with your incarnations " in the past and future ", as you say.

No, this doesn’t work like "downloader for the whole being experience. You can get information with the connection, talking with him/her. In this field the only automatic part is that it helps to your energetical bodies and brain to make this connection… Everything else… Can be a lot fun and creative. :slight_smile:


People will be, like… :crazy_face: :smile:


Btw what are the ranges of these mandala? 30 cm?

30 cm are all new mandalas


omg this is like “high self connection” series.It is very good :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I’m already like that at this point lol

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great, there is the interesting part :smiley:


@anon76712240 , maxgamer gave the answer to your question.
But yeah, on aya ceremonies this things happen often if the person has reached some development.