DM: Fearlessness State

We got a kidder on our hands… Good times


Ok the more serious answer…

Depend how fast you release but as soon i put it on my state switches.

You might gonna spend 1-3 days just releasing stuff all the time, highly recommend to use this with the mindcontrol and the “cancel” function to make it more efficient.


I think this is happening to me, I even removed it from my notebook for a while to rest. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Might be a good idea to run dreamseeds emotional release for a while.


Thanks fam. :smiley: I snagged this, chameleon, ego detachment and mind control 15 minutes before the sale ended after debating for quite a bit.

I like to think this will be a major power pack that’ll be very very awesome by next week.


Definitely on the right track! Good job. Fearlessness is the key to it all if you ask me. Fear is the mind killer and the main reason the world is in the state it is at this current moment of reality. Every single person should have this field or if you can swing it… Dreams fearlessness item. This is going to set you free


I agree 1,000%! On top of that, fearlessness is the antidote to the poisoning of society’s unwanted aspects.

If I throw all 4 mandalas at once into the fray that won’t be a problem aside from the time it would take to integrate them into myself right?

Hope I’m not derailing this too far I’m just hyped AF.


Those 4 are there perfect combo. Mind control is a other major part of taking back your power. The Chameleon will provide you with a space to grow without outside interference. Ego detach will help facilitate it all almost like a secret ingredient in the mix!


Geez louise, the moment I printed and folded this baby and put it in my pocket, I was hit with a headache that was more towards the front of my head, and it lasted a good half hour before tapering off.


If the print is a bit low quality because of color, does it stop the effect of the Mandala?



Thank you!


Tip : Wear two of these at the same time for the first 2 weeks, then once integrated you can go back to 1.

I feel like 2 seems to force the changes faster.

Like 1 mandala its a 1v1 fight with my subconscious, but 2 mandalas is like gangsters attacking the subconscious lol. It submits.


How about doubleprinting ?

double like front and back?

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Print a few on one paper, laminated, then cut each as one.

I glue the mandalas under my watch, left arm.

My basic observations with this one :

This field seems to actively hunt anything to do with fear.

If your fear is based on low self esteem for example, this will increase self esteem.

If your fear is based on survival, this things gonna turn you into an apex predator.

etc etc

Definitely works better when I use 2.

Did the same thing with master strategist and its also much better.


Yea on the same paper for example. But since i use her mandala on sapiens tag i probably have to print it on two paper to test it.

I do two sided prints to save space and amplify.

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Do her mandalas grow if you print them?
Still didn’t tested the epsilon mandala yet…sigh

Not sure if i should keep using it on the phone or print it.

Do you guys print it really small or print it normal letter size and fold it small?

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