DM: Adaptive Shield

I meant that most of the protections (not this one, because we put invisibility on it) are stoping the energy on both sides.

People are antennas and as you are hiding/protect from the outer world to be affected by “negative” energy, the same way you are stopping the flow that is going from yourself to the Universe. Actually, there is no “negative” energy, so I will give a little more explanation about this.

Why I am using the word “hiding”? When you clear your subconsciousness from something which attracts attacks to you - you are clearing the whole problem and it disappears (this means you don’t need any more protection), but when you are using a tool from the outside world / or protection that you made by your own - you are “hiding” this part of yourself from the Universe and the flow it’s not on maximum.

Years ago I was making protections on myself every morning besides the ones that were working automatically. At some moment the manifestations which I was trying to make, stopped. And this was for everything, from small to big things.

When I wanted to see what is happening, I saw that I am separating myself from the world and the Universe (this is what protections make) and the flow stop.

So, I don’t tell protections to don’t be used, but people should use the protections that they only need and have some scenarios in their life that are engaged with some kind of attack - emotional, physical, or mental. I am telling this because I saw many times people make/purchase hundreds of protections for themselves without needing them.

When you are making/purchasing protection that is not related to your life, you give an order /expecting/ from the Universe to create a situation or to draw people which will attack you.

This is general for most of the protections. Adaptive Shield is another job - it has intelligence and adapts to the things that are trying to harm you, but without drawing them and without stopping the manifestations. This is the reason I told, that this field is a very good idea from @ Atreides. One of my new favorite “invisible” protections. :slight_smile: