Can shields and Protections hinder results?

This is what Maitreya said in the thread Adaptive Shield:

So, technically you might have some results/manifestations blocked.

It was in my case. I had everything possible. I’ve dealt with demons since I was 3 years old. So when I discovered fields, I got everything that I possibly could. The thing is, when you are using too much, you really attract situations when you need them a lot. I felt like a magnet.

I decided to use only Cosmic Shield that is in In Your Favour plus DM Geralttt because it has Adaptive Shield in it.
I took my skills to another level with the Geralttt to adapt to this field faster, and I’ve changed my approach. I barely fight with them.

When I approach dark being I focus on my inner light, to the point that they can’t even get any closer. When I’m made of light, then I am connected to the Source, which means I am protected by the Creator itself. Nothing can get me in that state. Because I believe I am untouchable.

Our fields are meant to protect you, yes, but the key is to learn how to protect yourself so you no longer need them, and you can enjoy your life and keep demons away because you are too strong.