Divine Truth

This field has been designed to remove blockages and fears that prevent you from seeing the truth. It changes the subconscious in a positive way, installing beneficial beliefs and healing energy, that help with seeing things as they truly are.

It influences not only the persona using the field but the whole soul level. This means that your higher self will receive this knowledge and then send it to all parallel incarnations of your soul.

Souls come to this Earth, as well as other places and dimensions in order to understand and integrate the Divine Truth.

This field works gradually and has a cumulative effect.

On the everyday level, it will give you the ability to see through the illusion of Maya, the illusions of life, and illusions in your personal relationships. The Truth will permeate all aspects of your life.

This product contains a digital mandala and audio file.


Interesting. Seeing through illusion was something I was looking for in one of my recent requests that turned into more of a rant, though I never put it into those words. I’m curious about this one.


Does this apply to everyone?

I don’t understand your question…who do you think it wouldn’t apply to?


ok so maybe I need to start with this



Space Travel Loop GIF by xponentialdesign


excellent animation


I just want to know about it.