Divine Protection from Negative Energy and Bad Entities

Divine #Protection​ from Negative Energy and Bad Entities / Energetically Programmed Audio As the title tells this video will protect your energy bodies/aura from negative people, negative energy, bad entities and all stuff that don’t belong to your true lovable self.


I’m using this everyday! It’s strange that I’m the first to talk about it.
Is this the protection you explain about astral travel? Or are others? (I’m talking about free stuff).
Thanks :slight_smile:

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Gosh , I’d love to have this in a DM !! It’d go great with Ancestral Line Clearing, Ancestral & DNA Blocks Remover, Subconscious Blocks Remover, St Cyprian’s Prayer, Religious deception removal and a host of other titles, as a stand alone Mandala, and as part of a ‘stack’ as well. God,I Love Maitreya’s work !!

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It’s already a mandala

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Hi all, I would like to clarify, for this mandala, it will protect against psychic attacks and all forms of negative energies right?

This field is a basic protection that helps with attacks.

Thank you