Adding this here as @Joker got good results from this Subliminals channel (these are not morphic fields).
U can join on Vox Discord server u will find more guys who got results with his subs
@Joker how many reps do you recommend?
You seem to be a body fields guy like me haha…
Put it as first.
What a waste.
Just use brain reset mandala/audio (but just using brain tag should be already enough which also contains brain regeneration)
You could use instead dopamin stuff and brain regeneration ojas/mana circuits which makes your body and lifts stronger…
And many other things.
The recommended is 2~5 times… And u can do in sessions… Example, I’m listen my Vox playlist morning and night…
Testosterone x1
Attract femalles x2 morning x2 night
Pheromones of Gods x2 " "
Male enhacement x5 " "
Masc Square chest x2 " "
Ecdysterone x5 " "
I noticed some results from all subliminals in my list…
U can listen with phones or speakers, u can bundle some subs but u need to ask in Vox discord which one u can bundle… To listen more times i open the subs in mult tabs…
Thank you so much for these updates…
How about playing all subs simultaneously / layering them so that it is counted as single sub > use MEF subliminal to morphic field convertor > use MF storage creator > spam this new field for 48 hours!
Was curious if above can accelerate the momentum.
That’s not proper energywork.
I meant for compatible subs!
Yea i got it…
It’s still a timewaste.
Yes i think will work… U can do this… Or u can use QI Game changer too… I started to use QI 11th yesterday, I’ll use for some days… Btw i was using SZ MOAB and Diy
Okay, will stick to listening the subs
Are you sure?
You advised that the process was time waste. Hence adhering to your valuable advice I replied that instead of wasting time in conversion, it would be better to stick to listening to them.
I just dont know why people would use subliminals.
Keep in mind, you need resources to make changes.
I would really appreciate and be thankful to you if you could guide us with required “resources” to make changes in case we use subliminals.
Yeah me too
Subliminals take mainly YOUR resources to make changes. Well if you have nothing against that’s fine i guess but i don’t like to waste my energy too much.
And no any other energyfield also does that but of course not that much like subliminals (if its well made)
(if u just want to infuse yourself with a lot of energy do pranayama)
Thank you
That’s where the results came from.