Could you teach me how to remove completely connection with lost USB’s mandalas manager and Field Optimizer and Return to sender? I said some removing connection commands with USB and activated mandalas manager in my laptop without return to sender,But after some moments I felt still Return to sender is working.
When the Optimizer is present, your Higher Self commands. You need to ask your Higher Self to switch it off. For some reason, your HS wants this field active. You can try to connect with lost USB and command the Emitter/ or Mandalas Manager, if you have it, to delete the connection. If I were you, I would try to trust that my Higher Self knows what is best for me.
This field is awesomemjust brough it and put the mandalas in the folder and i feel on top shi imma go jump off skyscaper and flow with the air… lol anyways had a huge sensation coming through and was great, just wondering if i needed to have the phone with me or just the energy cord like mind connected to it?
You can leave your phone in your country and travel to a different continent, and you will still receive fields. You can also give commands remotely.
Thanks for telling me this, i beileve this entirely and no need to fight or question something i can’t entirely explain heh
I’m 16, so it’s difficult to convince my parents to buy fields, but i’ll try this christmas to buy my first ones. So, I have a few questions:
Does this work with audio fields or only mandalas?
I have intrusive thoughts and can’t control my ego well, if I use field optimizer also, and i’m not able to activate fields well by intention, can the higher self activate it for me? Essentially, can it activate fields for me without me needing to say activate? Fields like the field emitter, GTFO, and so on?
Like if I put field emitter in the mandala manager folder, can field optimizer then activate it without me needing to say activate?
If the device the fields were stored on is destroyed will it stop working? Can I use cloud storage instead of something physical?
If I have an intrusive thought and think ‘deactivate’ but don’t really want to deactivate can field optimizer stop it through the higher self?
It automatically connects to me right? No need to activate?
@Zylof, we do not recommend physical fields to people who are not 18+. Your energetic system is connected to your physical body and it could affect you.
You might consider ‘soul fields’ that will help you to connect with your Higher Self, Unconditional Love but nothing physical. Also, if you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts or any kind of mental disturbances, then you should consult this with medical professionals. Here in this forum, we look at stuff from a spiritual perspective. Any energy work should be used carefully.
I’ll answer your questions. However, they have been answered multiple times in this thread.
- Mandalas
- The Optimizer gives control to your Higher Self and your Higher Self will activate whatever is good for you. MMV2 will activate the Emitter automatically. Now you can add audios.
- You can use any storage. If that would be USB and got destroyed fields stop working. If you lost USB you can deactivate fields remotely.
- When the Optimizer is in the folder, your Higher Self has control. You can want to activate field A and B, but your HS can decide that field C is the most beneficial, and the field C will be active not A and B.
- You need to activate the Manager first. Then, any field you add to the folder will be active automatically unless field needs commands to work.
alright, i’ll take note of this, thanks for your response regardless
Alright, bought this, field emitter and field optimizer; these are the first fields I bought! Managed to convince my parents to let me use their credit card and I paid them with real money.
I’ll be storing it on google drive instead of a physical device
I hope everything works fine.
I use it on cloud storage and it works fine. May you get the best results
The Emitter needs to be used with USB. This is not the same as Mandalas Manager. Manager can be stored anywhere, no need to carry anything, but the Emitter, as stated in the description, has a 15cm range and needs USB or any drive that you can carry with you.
If you want to get Mandalas Manager instead of the Emitter, write to but with Manager you can’t add audio to the folder. It works only on mandalas.
I bought Mandala Manager, Emitter and Field Optimizer lol, that’s what I meant by ‘this’ in my first message & why it’s in this thread
I should polish my reading skills, lol. Like I mentioned there is Mercury Retrograde, and I’m pretty tangled To everyone: Sorry in advance and feel free to correct me
It’s okay lol